Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Can Hepatitis C Cause Diarrhea

Side Effects Not Requiring Immediate Medical Attention

2 severe cases of hepatitis C in North Carolina

Some side effects of hepatitis a adult vaccine may occur that usually do not need medical attention. These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. Also, your health care professional may be able to tell you about ways to prevent or reduce some of these side effects.

Check with your health care professional if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome or if you have any questions about them:

More common

  • change in the amount of bleeding during periods
  • change in the pattern of monthly periods
  • lack or loss of strength
  • tenderness or warmth at the injection site
  • unusual stopping of menstrual bleeding


Incidence not known

  • Bleeding, blistering, burning, coldness, discoloration of the skin, feeling of pressure, hives, infection, inflammation, itching, lumps, numbness, pain, rash, redness, scarring, soreness, stinging, swelling, tenderness, tingling, ulceration, or warmth at the injection site
  • sleepiness or unusual drowsiness

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What Causes Autoimmune Hepatitis

Experts arent sure what causes autoimmune hepatitis. Studies suggest that certain genes make some people more likely to develop autoimmune diseases. In people with these genes, factors in the environment may trigger an autoimmune reaction that causes their immune system to attack the liver.

Researchers are still studying the environmental triggers that play a role in autoimmune hepatitis. These triggers may include certain viruses and medicines.

Some medicines can cause liver injury that resembles autoimmune hepatitis. In most cases, the liver injury goes away when the medicine is stopped. The most common medicines that cause liver injury that resembles autoimmune hepatitis are minocyclinean antibiotic used to treat acneand nitrofurantoinan antibiotic used to treat urinary tract infections. Telling your doctor the names of all the medicines you take, even over-the-counter medicines or herbal or botanical products, is important.

What Is Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a liver infection that can lead to serious liver damage. Itâs caused by the hepatitis C virus. About 2.4 million people in the U.S. have the disease. But it causes few symptoms, so most of them don’t know. The virus spreads through an infected personâs blood or body fluids.

There are many forms of the hepatitis C virus, or HCV. The most common in the U.S. is type 1. None is more serious than any other, but they respond differently to treatment.

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When To Seek Medical Advice

See your GP if you persistently have any of the later symptoms listed, or if they keep returning. They may recommend having a blood test that can check for hepatitis C.

Read more about diagnosing hepatitis C

None of these symptoms mean you definitely have hepatitis C, but it’s important to get them checked out.

You should also speak to your GP about getting tested if there’s a risk you’re infected, even if you don’t have any symptoms. This particularly includes people who inject drugs or have done so in the past.

Read about the causes of hepatitis C for more information about who’s at risk of having the infection.

Page last reviewed: 27 October 2021 Next review due: 27 October 2024

Impact On The Integumentary System

Hepatitis A: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Hepatitis C is associated with a wide variety of skin problems. Some common conditions include easy bruising, loss of skin pigment, rashes, and itching.

Bilirubin is an important substance that comes from the breakdown of hemoglobin. When the liver cant do its job, bilirubin can build up and cause jaundice, or the yellowing of your skin and the whites of your eyes.

Poor liver function can also lead to poor nutrition. This leads to inadequate growth of hair and nails as well.

Skin conditions that may occur include:

  • porphyria cutanea tarda, which is a kind of photosensitivity leading to skin blistering
  • lichen planus, which are purple, itchy papules than can appear on the skin and in the mouth
  • leukocytic vasculitis, which is inflammation of the small blood vessels

The endocrine system regulates hormones. As part of the endocrine system, the thyroid gland delivers hormones into the bloodstream.

Sometimes HCV can cause the immune system to mistakenly attack or damage thyroid tissue. This

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Viral Hepatitis And Hepatitis A Outbreak

Southeast Michigan is experiencing an outbreak of hepatitis A. Information about this outbreak is at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services website. Vaccination is recommended to prevent hepatitis A.

if you are concerned about symptoms or risk for viral hepatitis, and you are a U-M student or other UHS patient, you may call for Nurse Advice by Phone.

What Are The Symptoms Of Autoimmune Hepatitis

People with autoimmune hepatitis may have some of the following symptoms

When symptoms of autoimmune hepatitis are present, they can range from mild to severe.

Some people with autoimmune hepatitis have no symptoms. In such cases, doctors may find evidence of liver problems during routine blood tests that leads to a diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis. People without symptoms at diagnosis may develop symptoms later.

Some people with autoimmune hepatitis dont have symptoms until they develop complications due to cirrhosis. These symptoms include

  • feeling tired or weak
  • bloating from a buildup of fluid in the abdomen, called ascites
  • swelling of the lower legs, ankles, or feet, called edema
  • itchy skin
  • jaundice

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How Do You Get Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C spreads when blood or body fluids contaminated with the hepatitis C virus get into your bloodstream through contact with an infected person.

You can be exposed to the virus from:

  • Sharing injection drugs and needles
  • Having sex, especially if you have HIV, another STD, several partners, or have rough sex
  • Being stuck by infected needles
  • Birth — a mother can pass it to a child
  • Sharing personal care items like toothbrushes, razor blades, and nail clippers
  • Getting a tattoo or piercing with unclean equipment

You canât catch hepatitis C through:

  • Have been on long-term kidney dialysis
  • Have abnormal liver tests or liver disease
  • Have HIV
  • Were born to a mother with hepatitis C

Since July 1992, all blood and organ donations in the U.S. are tested for the hepatitis C virus. The CDC says it is now rare that someone getting blood products or an organ would get hepatitis C. That said, The CDC recommends that anyone over the age of 18 get tested for Hepatitis C. If you haven’t been screened, you should consider having it done.

Learn more about the risk factors for hepatitis C.

When Should I Seek Medical Help

Hepatitis, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.

You may be able to manage side effects of treatment by adjusting your daily routine. But in some cases, your doctor might need to change your treatment plan.

Ask your doctor what to look out for. They can give you advice about when you should contact them or seek emergency medical care for suspected side effects.

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How Is Hepatitis C Infection Prevented

Unfortunately, there is no vaccine to prevent hepatitis C. To reduce your risk of getting hepatitis C:

  • Injection drug use is the most common way people get hepatitis C. Avoid injecting drugs to reduce your risk. If you do inject drugs, use sterile injection equipment. Avoid reusing or sharing.
  • Avoid sharing personal care items that might have blood on them
  • If you are a health care or public safety worker, follow universal blood/body fluid precautions and safely handle needles and other sharps
  • Consider the risks if you are thinking about tattooing, body piercing, or acupuncture are the instruments properly sterilized?
  • If youre having sex with more than one partner, use latex condoms correctly and every time to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, including hepatitis C.

What Is Viral Hepatitis

Viral hepatitis is an infection of the liver caused by a virus that attacks liver cells. The resulting inflammation may impair the liver’s ability to aid in digestion of food and to remove toxins from the blood. Symptoms range from mild to severe, but some individuals have no symptoms. Infrequently, acute infections can be fatal.

There are several types of viral hepatitis, called A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Of all types of hepatitis, A, B and C are the most common in the US and so will be described below.

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Could You Have Fatty Liver Disease Learn The Symptoms

Is your liver overweight? Fatty liver disease, once seldom seen except in heavy drinkers, has become an increasingly common problem in the 21st century. As many as one in three people may develop the disease, and the risk goes up if you have type 2 diabetes. But what is fatty liver disease, and what can you do about it? Today, the experts at Digestive Disorders Associates explain.

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When Should I See A Doctor


Make an appointment if you have any of the symptoms and you recently:

  • Traveled out of the country, especially if you went to Mexico, South America, Central America, or anywhere without good sanitation
  • Ate at a restaurant that reported a hepatitis A outbreak
  • Found out someone close to you, like a roommate or caregiver, was diagnosed with hepatitis A
  • Had sex with someone who has hepatitis A
  • Ate raw shellfish
  • Used illegal drugs

When you see your doctor, they may spot some more signs that youâve got the disease. For instance, they might find that you have:

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Impact On The Digestive System

A healthy liver is crucial to your health as it supports many other body systems. One function of the liver is to produce bile, a substance needed to break down fats.

Your body stores bile in the gallbladder and then sends it to the beginning section of the small intestine when needed. Bile is then combined with stomach acids and digestive fluids from the pancreas, which helps the intestines absorb nutrients into the bloodstream.

HCV can severely hinder the livers ability to produce bile. Poor bile production can make it difficult and uncomfortable to digest fatty foods.

You also might feel some pain throughout the abdomen from a buildup of fluid in the peritoneal space, which is the space in the abdomen between the organs and the abdominal wall. This is known as ascites, and it develops with cirrhosis. It occurs when the damaged liver doesnt produce enough albumin, a substance that regulates the amount of fluid in cells.

Other digestive symptoms include:

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Specific Symptom Clusters And Association With Patient Characteristics

Fig 2 displays histograms for the T-scores for each of the PROMIS symptoms. Eight PROMIS measures showed a bimodal distribution with some patients reporting no symptoms while others reported mild to severe symptoms. T-scores over 55 are 1/2 standard deviation worse than the general US population and considered a clinically meaningful difference in other medical populations.

Histograms of PROMIS symptom T-scores.

*The vertical line in each histogram shows the proportion of patients reporting no symptoms or responses at the minimum score.

Neuropsychiatric symptom cluster

Approximately 60-80% of patients endorsed symptoms in the neuropsychiatric symptom cluster . Bivariate correlations and unadjusted mean group differences are summarized in Table 3. Of the sociodemographic variables, the largest correlations with this symptom cluster were with employment , health insurance , and income , such that disability, unemployment, low income, and public health insurance were associated with worse symptoms. Correlations between the neuropsychiatric symptom cluster and liver-related markers were quite small .

Common Stomach Problems From Hepatitis C

Viral hepatitis (A, B, C, D, E) – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & pathology

Hepatitis gets a lot of press these days particularly Hepatitis C, a viral form of this serious disease which directly attacks the liver. Millions of Americans suffer from Hepatitis C, some of whom just get an acute flare-up. Other sufferers, however, get repeat episodes for the rest of their lives.

While the virus primarily causes scarring and cirrhosis of the liver, and may progress to complete liver failure and even cancer, Hepatitis C can affect other organs of the body, too, including the stomach.

Symptoms of Hepatitis C

Symptoms of Hepatitis C can be very debilitating, lasting any where from 1 to 3 months. According to the National Institutes of Health, individuals present with:

  • fatigue
  • a yellowish look to the eyes and skin
  • diarrhea
  • stools that are lightly colored
  • stomach pain

When doctors see these symptoms, they use a blood test to confirm the diagnosis of Hepatitis C.

Common stomach problems from Hepatitis C

The pain that Hepatitis patients experience is usually in the gastrointestinal tract, specifically the stomach. The discomfort can be very severe and may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Symptoms of bleeding from the blood vessels of the stomach include:

  • shock
  • rapid heart beat and dizziness

These symptoms are considered a medical emergency and require immediate attention from a physician.

Who gets Hepatitis C and How It Can Be Treated

Medication and surgery can both be used to successfully treat Hepatitis C.

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How Do Doctors Treat Hepatitis A

Treatment includes resting, drinking plenty of liquids, and eating healthy foods to help relieve symptoms. Your doctor may also suggest medicines to help relieve symptoms.

Talk with your doctor before taking any prescription or over-the-counter medicines, vitamins or other dietary supplements, or complementary or alternative medicinesany of these could damage your liver. You should avoid alcohol until your doctor tells you that you have completely recovered from hepatitis A.

See your doctor regularly to make sure your body has fully recovered. If you have symptoms for longer than 6 months, see your doctor again.

What Are The Forms Of Fatty Liver Disease

There are two main forms of fatty liver disease:

Alcoholic liver disease

Alcoholic fatty liver is the accumulation of fat in the liver as a result of heavy drinking. About 5% of people in the U.S. have this form of liver disease.

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease occurs in people who arent heavy drinkers. The condition affects one in three adults and one in 10 children in the United States. Researchers havent found the exact cause of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Several factors, such as obesity and diabetes, can increase your risk.

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Obesity And Fatty Liver Disease

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is strongly associated with obesity. Excess fat causes insulin resistance and inflammatory signals. Insulin resistance means that the pancreas has to produce more insulin in order to maintain normal blood glucose levels, and is the first step towards developing diabetes.

Patients who have hypertension , have high cholesterol, are overweight or obese, and have diabetes or insulin resistance are at greater risk to develop fatty liver disease. Physicians and scientists do not fully understand why the excess fat causes these liver changes. They do know that by losing weight, liver enzymes may normalize and liver inflammation may improve.

  • Malnutrition.
  • Ingestion of poisonous wild mushrooms.

Like many progressive diseases, you may not notice any signs or symptoms of liver disease in the early stages. But, as liver function begins to decline, you may begin to notice some physical changes in certain areas of your body.

Abdominal Swelling

A swollen abdomen can point to a condition called ascites, in which liver malfunction leads to an imbalance of proteins and other compounds, and fluid builds up in the tissues.

The main symptom, potbelly, often signals cirrhosis.

Sometimes swelling occurs in the hands, feet and ankles, as gravity draws excess fluid down to these extremities.


A damaged liver produces fewer of the proteins necessary for blood clotting, which means you may bleed and bruise more easily.

Fatigue and Weakness

Is There A Hep A Vaccine


Yes, and it is safe and effective. It has been required for children at public schools in Oregon since 1995, but many adults may not have been vaccinated against Hep A.

In general, the recommends the hepatitis A vaccine for any adult who:

  • Has had close contact with someone sick with hepatitis A.
  • Has chronic liver disease.

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Who Is At Risk Of Getting Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is usually spread from person to person, making it highly contagious. However, certain factors can increase your risk of contracting it, including:

  • living in an area where hepatitis A is common, including most countries with low sanitation standards or a lack of safe water
  • injecting or using illegal drugs
  • living in the same household as someone who is hepatitis A-positive
  • having sexual activity with someone who is hepatitis A-positive
  • being HIV-positive

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