Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is Herpes The Same As Hepatitis B

How Do You Get Hpv And Herpes

Antivirals | HIV, Hepatitis, Influenza, Herpes Treatment

HPV and herpes can both be transmitted via vaginal, anal, and oral sex, whether lesions are present or not. However, people with both these conditions are most contagious when they have lesions on their skin.

Nurx offers at home screening kits for HPV for as little as $49 with insurance or $75 per month without insurance.

Unlike HPV, herpes can also be passed on through saliva when you are kissing or sharing drinks with people who have it. You dont have to worry about these activities spreading HPV.

HPV and herpes can also be passed on from a pregnant mom to her baby during pregnancy or delivery. If you suspect you have one or both of these infections, tell your medical team so they can help you reduce the risks.

How Painful Is Herpes Simplex

Some people experience very mild genital herpes symptoms or no symptoms at all. Frequently, people infected with the virus don’t even know they have it. However, when it causes symptoms, it can be described as extremely painful. This is especially true for the first outbreak, which is often the worst. Outbreaks are described as aches or pains in or around the genital area or burning, pain, or difficulty urinating. Some people experience discharge from the vagina or penis.

Oral herpes lesions usually cause tingling and burning just prior to the breakout of the blisters. The blisters themselves can also be painful.

Key Points About Hepatitis In Children

  • Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. It can damage and destroy liver cells.

  • Hepatitis in children can be caused by many things. Your child can get hepatitis by being exposed to a virus that causes it.

  • There are 5 main types of the hepatitis virus: A, B, C, D, and E.

  • The most common symptoms of hepatitis include a yellowish color to the skin and whites of the eyes and flu-like symptoms.

  • Some children don’t have any symptoms.

  • Getting vaccinated and having good hygiene can prevent hepatitis.

Also Check: What Is The Difference Between Hepatitis B And C

Generic Name: Haemophilus B/hepatitis B Vaccine


Medication Uses | How To Use | Side Effects | Precautions | Drug Interactions | Overdose | Notes | Missed Dose | Storage

USES: This medication is used in infants to help prevent infection from a certain bacteria and the hepatitis B virus. Haemophilus influenzae b bacteria can cause a serious, sometimes fatal brain infection and lung infection . Hepatitis B infection can cause serious problems including liver failure, persistent hepatitis B infection, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. Protecting against these infections can prevent these problems.This vaccine contains killed Haemophilus bacteria and a man-made piece of the hepatitis B virus. It does not contain live virus, so your infant cannot get either of these infections from the vaccine. This vaccine causes the body to make immune defensive substances that can protect you from these infections.This vaccine is recommended for all infants 6 weeks to 15 months old who are born to mothers who do not have current hepatitis B infection.This vaccine is not for use in adults.

OVERDOSE: If overdose is suspected, contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately. US residents can call their local poison control center at 1-800-222-1222. Canada residents can call a provincial poison control center.

NOTES: Laboratory and/or medical tests may be performed periodically for some patients at risk of a poor response to the vaccine. Consult your child’s doctor for more details.

Chronic Hepatitis B Infection

HSV 2 antigen (lysate)

A chronic hepatitis B infection is diagnosed when HBV lasts longer than six months. If hepatitis B remains in the blood this long, it means the immune system was not able to clear the infection, putting the liver at high risk of serious complications.

It is highly recommended that people with a chronic HBV infection seek the care of a doctor to be monitored regularly for signs of liver disease and evaluated for possible treatment. If the chronic infection is not managed, over time it can cause liver damage, cirrhosis, liver cancer, and even death.

The chances that an acute infection may turn into a long-term chronic infection decrease with age.

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What Are The Chances Of Getting Hepatitis C From Sex

Hepatitis C can spread through sexual intercourse, but it’s rare. And it’s extremely rare among monogamous couples. In fact, the CDC considers the risk of sexual transmission between monogamous couples so low that it doesn’t even recommend using condoms. Also, there’s no evidence that hepatitis C is spread by oral sex. But you should avoid sharing razors, toothbrushes, and nail clippers, and sex during menstruation.

If you have HIV or if you have multiple partners, you should take precautions. Using condoms will protect you and your partners.

Does Hpv Cause Cancer

HPV can cause cervical and other cancers, including cancer of the vulva, vagina, penis, or anus. It can also cause cancer in the back of the throat . This can include the base of the tongue and tonsils.

Cancer often takes years, even decades, to develop after a person gets HPV. Genital warts and cancers result from different types of HPV.

There is no way to know who will develop cancer or other health problems from HPV. People with weak immune systems may be less able to fight off HPV. They may also be more likely to develop health problems from HPV.

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Why Is The Hepatitis B Vaccine Important

Because of the vaccine, cases of acute hepatitis B have decreased by a lot in the United States. But chronic hepatitis B is still common up to 2.2 million people in the United States have it. Chronic hepatitis B can lead to serious liver problems and even death.

Getting vaccinated is the best way to prevent hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B is a liver disease caused by a virus. There are 2 types of hepatitis B:

  • Acute hepatitis B
  • Chronic hepatitis B

Many children who get acute hepatitis B dont have any symptoms, but most adults do. Symptoms may include:

  • Fever
  • Dark pee or clay-colored poop
  • Pain in the muscles, joints, and stomach
  • Jaundice

Acute hepatitis B symptoms usually last a few weeks but they can last as long as 6 months.

If the acute hepatitis B infection does not go away after 6 months, its considered a chronic hepatitis B infection. Most people who have chronic hepatitis B dont have symptoms at first. But chronic hepatitis B is a lifelong illness that can lead to serious and possibly deadly liver problems, like:

  • Cirrhosis
  • Liver cancer
  • Liver failure

Hepatitis B spreads through blood, semen, or other body fluids. Hepatitis B can spread from mother to child during birth and when someone:

  • Has sex with a person who has hepatitis B
  • Touches the blood or open sores of a person who has hepatitis B

All children and most adults need to get the hepatitis B vaccine.

Infants and children

Children need 3 doses of the vaccine at the following ages:


  • Have diabetes

Known Or Presumed Exposure To Hepatitis B Virus

Gene editing for cure of persistent viral infections

Persons with known or presumed exposure to the hepatitis B virus should be given hepatitis B immune globulin in addition to ENGERIX-B in accordance with Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommendations and with the package insert for HBIG. ENGERIX-B can be given on either dosing schedule .

Don’t Miss: How To Reduce Hepatitis B Viral Load Naturally

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infections

EtiologyFootnote 1,Footnote 2

  • The human immunodeficiency virus has been shown to be the causative agent of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome .
  • Infection with HIV results in the progressive destruction of CD4+ T lymphocytes. These cells are crucial to the normal function of the human immune system.
  • Persons with HIV infection and subsequent immune suppression are, therefore, at risk of developing a variety of clinical AIDS-defining conditions, including opportunistic infections , primary neurologic disease and malignancy .

EpidemiologyFootnote 3,Footnote 4

Prevention and Control

  • Persons presenting with concerns about HIV infection provide an important opportunity for education and encouragement for the consistent practice of risk reduction. These practices include sexual abstinence, reduced number of sexual partners, proper use of barrier methods and risk reduction with IDU.
  • Persons with known risk behaviour should be offered HIV testing, counselling and diagnosis.
  • At the time of diagnostic testing for HIV, review and monitor prevention practices.
  • Identify barriers to prevention practices and the means to overcome them.
  • Discuss the potential use of HAART to not only improve prognosis, but also reduce infectiousness.Footnote 26
  • Discuss prompt treatment of any STI to reduce the risk of transmitting or acquiring HIV.Footnote 27Footnote 31

Pre- and Post-Test CounsellingFootnote 32

Pre-test counselling
  • Discuss:
  • Specific risk behaviours, sexual and otherwise.
  • Explore:
  • Explain:
  • How You Can Get Hepatitis B

    Hepatitis B is caused by a virus that is spread through blood, semen and vaginal fluids.

    You can get hepatitis B from:

    • having vaginal, anal or oral sex without using a condom or dam
    • injecting drugs using shared needles
    • being injured by a used needle
    • having a tattoo or piercing with unsterilised equipment
    • having a blood transfusion in a country that does not check blood for hepatitis B. Blood transfusions in the UK are checked for hepatitis B.

    If you’re pregnant and have hepatitis B, you can also pass it onto your baby during pregnancy or birth.

    Don’t Miss: How Can Hepatitis C Be Spread

    Is There Treatment For Hpv Or Health Problems That Develop From Hpv

    There is no treatment for the virus itself. However, there are treatments for the health problems that HPV can cause:

  • Genital warts can go away with treatment from your healthcare provider or with prescription medicine. If left untreated, genital warts may go away, stay the same, or grow in size or number.
  • Cervical precancer treatment is available. Women who get routine Pap tests and follow up as needed can find problems before cancer develops. Prevention is always better than treatment. For more information visit
  • Other HPV-related cancers are also more treatable when found and treated early. For more information visit
  • You can add this content to your website by syndicating.

    How Are Hpv And Herpes Diagnosed


    Women aged 30+ are screened for cervical cancer whenever they get a pap test. An abnormal test shows potentially cancerous cells, which could suggest the presence of HPV. At this point, there is no screening test for males. However, the active virus can be diagnosed in men and women during a physical exam just by examining the lesions.

    Healthcare providers dont tend to test for herpes unless their patients are showing symptoms. Most healthcare providers can diagnose herpes simply by looking at the lesions. Care teams can swab lesions and send them away for testing to get a definitive herpes diagnosis.

    Also Check: How Can You Catch Hepatitis B And C

    How Is Hepatitis Treated In A Child

    Treatment will depend on your childs symptoms, age, and general health. It will also depend on how severe the condition is.

    Your childs treatment will depend on whats causing his or her hepatitis. The goal of treatment is to stop damage to your childs liver. Its also to help ease symptoms. Your childs treatment may include:

    • Medicines. These can control itching, treat the virus, or control an autoimmune disease.

    • Supportive care. This includes eating a healthy diet and getting enough rest.

    • Reducing risk. Not using alcohol or illegal drugs.

    • Blood testing. This can tell if the disease is progressing.

    • Hospital stay. This is done in severe cases.

    • Liver transplant. This is done for end-stage liver failure.

    • Helping to prevent the spread of viral hepatitis. Having good personal health habits, such as handwashing.

    Whos At Risk For Hepatitis C

    You might be more likely to get it if you:

    • Inject or have injected street drugs
    • Were born between 1945 and 1965
    • Got clotting factor concentrates made before 1987
    • Received a blood transfusion or solid organ transplants before July 1992
    • Got blood or organs from a donor who tested positive for hepatitis C
    • Are on dialysis
    • Get a body piercing or tattoo with nonsterile instruments

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    How Do I Know If I Have Hpv

    There is no test to find out a persons HPV status. Also, there is no approved HPV test to find HPV in the mouth or throat.

    There are HPV tests that can screen for cervical cancer. Healthcare providers only use these tests for screening women aged 30 years and older. HPV tests are not recommended to screen men, adolescents, or women under the age of 30 years.

    Most people with HPV do not know they have the infection. They never develop symptoms or health problems from it. Some people find out they have HPV when they get genital warts. Women may find out they have HPV when they get an abnormal Pap test result . Others may only find out once theyve developed more serious problems from HPV, such as cancers.

    Take Charge Of Your Health

    Hepatitis B: Treatment and care for a chronic condition

    Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection that is manageable when caught in the first six months. It can be contracted through sexual activities, infected blood or sharing needles. Approximately 70% of cases are symptomless, so get tested if you may have been exposed.

    or call 1-800-456-2323 or start a Live Chat

    Also Check: Hepatitis B Surface Antibody Ql

    How Is Hpv Spread

    You can get HPV by having vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has the virus. It is most commonly spread during vaginal or anal sex. It also spreads through close skin-to-skin touching during sex. A person with HPV can pass the infection to someone even when they have no signs or symptoms.

    If you are sexually active, you can get HPV, even if you have had sex with only one person. You also can develop symptoms years after having sex with someone who has the infection. This makes it hard to know when you first got it.

    How Are Herpes And Hpv Treated

    There is no cure for herpes or HPV, although medications and medical procedures can help manage the symptoms. The bodys natural immunity often fights off the HPV virus all on its own. However, herpes is a bit more stubborn and stays in the body forever.

    People with genital warts from HPV may be prescribed topical solutions, such as podofilox, sinecatechins, or imiquimod cream. These creams remove visible warts for an improved appearance. Warts may also be removed using cryotherapy or laser treatments.

    Antiviral medications can reduce the risk of herpes outbreaks and the severity of symptoms. Some of the most common medications prescribed for herpes include acyclovir, famciclovir, and valacyclovir. If youve been previously diagnosed with herpes, Nurx can prescribe genital herpes treatment online and deliver the medication to your door with free shipping. To request herpes treatment from Nurx, get started here. Over-the-counter pain relievers, including paracetamol, Epsom salt baths, and ice packs applied to lesions may also help.

    Recommended Reading: How Can Hepatitis C Be Contracted

    Table : Vaccination Of Persons With Chronic Diseases: Non

    Please note that the information in the text and tables is complementary and both should be used.

    Refer to vaccine-specific chapters in Part 4 for additional information, especially concerning vaccine doses, schedules and boosters.


    Refer to text and vaccine-specific chapters in Part 4 and to Immunization of immunocompromised persons for additional information.

    About The Hepatitis B Virus


    The hepatitis B virus is a small DNA virus that belongs to the Hepadnaviridae family. Related viruses in this family are also found in woodchucks, ground squirrels, tree squirrels, Peking ducks, and herons.

    Structure of the Hepatitis B Virus The hepatitis B virus contains an outer envelope and an inner core.

    • The outer envelope of the virus is composed of a surface protein called the hepatitis B surface antigen or “HBsAg”. The HBsAg can be detected by a simple blood test and a positive test result indicates a person is infected with the hepatitis B virus.
    • The inner core of the virus is a protein shell referred to as the hepatitis B core antigen or “HBcAg,” which contains the hepatitis B virus DNA and enzymes used in viral replication.

    Life Cycle of the Hepatitis B Virus

    The hepatitis B virus has a complex life cycle. The virus enters the host liver cell and is transported into the nucleus of the liver cell. Once inside the nucleus, the viral DNA is transformed into a covalently closed circular DNA , which serves as a template for viral replication . New HBV virus is packaged and leaves the liver cell, with the stable viral cccDNA remaining in the nucleus where it can integrate into the DNA of the host liver cell, as well as continue to create new hepatitis B virus. Although the life cycle is not completely understood, parts of this replicative process are error prone, which accounts for different genotypes or genetic codes of the hepatitis B virus.

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    Whats The Difference Between Hpv And Herpes

    Human papillomavirus virus and herpes are often confused as they can be sexually transmitted and cause genital lesions, however, they are caused by two different and unrelated viruses. Because of this, they cause slightly different symptoms and have different treatment options. Get to know the differences between these common sexually transmitted infections.

    Treating The Symptoms Of Hpv

    Most cases of HPV dont require any treatment. The virus will go away on its own in many people. However, there are treatment options available for treating the symptoms of HPV.

    Genital warts from HPV may occasionally go away without medication. Sometimes, medications are used to help lessen the effects of the warts. These include:

    • imiquimod
    • podofilox
    • sinecatechins

    Your doctor may also apply trichloroacetic acid or bicloroacetic acid, or cryotherapy to help treat genital warts.

    Sometimes a doctor will remove the warts, though this removes the wart not the virus itself. If a high-risk HPV is found, your doctor may monitor you to ensure that cancer doesnt occur, or is caught early.

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