Friday, July 26, 2024

Types Of Hepatitis And How They Are Transmitted

How Can A Person Contract Hepatitis From Contaminated Food

Hepatitis | Pathophysiology of Viral Hepatitis

The Washington State Department of Health states that a person can come into contact with hepatitis A if they eat food or drink water that is contaminated with the feces of a person who has the virus.

The virus can, therefore, spread from a person who does not wash their hands after using the bathroom and then touches food.

The food itself can also be contaminated with hepatitis A. For example, people can contract hepatitis A if they eat oysters that farmers have harvested from sewage-contaminated water.

of hepatitis A transmission by:

  • washing their hands for 20 seconds using warm soap and water before handling raw foods
  • washing their hands after changing diapers
  • washing their hands after using the bathroom

People should also sanitize their kitchen using the following steps:

  • Wash cutting boards, countertops, utensils, and the inside of the fridge walls and shelves.
  • Sanitize the above using a solution consisting of 1 tablespoon of chlorine bleach to 1 gallon of hot water.
  • Dry these areas using a clean cloth or paper towel.
  • Health Services For Screening And Treatment Of Stis Remain Weak

    People seeking screening and treatment for STIs face numerous problems. These include limited resources, stigmatization, poor quality of services and often out-of-pocket expenses.

    In many settings, STI services in low- and middle-income countries are often neglected and underfunded. These problems lead to difficulties in providing screening for asymptomatic infections, insufficient number of trained personnel, limited laboratory capacity and inadequate supplies of appropriate medicines.

    Also Check: Hepatitis B Core Ab Total Reactive

    Vaccination Is The Best Way To Prevent Hepatitis A

    Hepatitis A vaccination is recommended for:


    • All children aged 1223 months
    • All children and adolescents 218 years of age who have not previously received hepatitis A vaccine

    People at increased risk for hepatitis A

    • International travelers
    • Men who have sex with men
    • People who use or inject drugs
    • People with occupational risk for exposure
    • People who anticipate close personal contact with an international adoptee
    • People experiencing homelessness

    People at increased risk for severe disease from hepatitis A infection

    • People with chronic liver disease, including hepatitis B and hepatitis C
    • People with HIV

    Other people recommended for vaccination

    • Pregnant women at risk for hepatitis A or risk for severe outcome from hepatitis A infection
    • Any person who requests vaccination

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    Hepatitis A: How Does It Spread

    It usually spreads through food or water. Food can be tainted when its touched by a person with hepatitis who did not wash their hands after using the bathroom. This transfers tiny amounts of infected stool to the food. Raw shellfish, fruits, vegetables, and undercooked foods are common culprits in hepatitis A outbreaks. The virus can also spread in daycare centers if employees arent careful about washing hands after changing diapers.

    How Hcv Is Spread

    Hepatitis Chart

    The hepatitis C virus is transmitted primarily through blood to blood contact, meaning that a person can become infected with the virus should the blood of a person who carries the virus be introduced into another person’s bloodstream.

    Therefore, as with hepatitis B, blood transfusions , tattooing and body piercing, occupational exposure, medical procedures, and intravenous drug use can all lead to possible exposure to the virus. Unlike hepatitis B, however, sexual contact and childbirth have both been shown to be an inefficient route of exposure to HCV.

    The hepatitis G virus is thought to be transmitted in a similar way to HCV.

    Read Also: How Do You Know You Have Hepatitis

    How Is Hepatitis Diagnosed

    To diagnose hepatitis, your health care provider:

    • Will ask about your symptoms and medical history
    • Will do a physical exam
    • Will likely do blood tests, including tests for viral hepatitis
    • Might do imaging tests, such as an ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI
    • May need to do a liver biopsy to get a clear diagnosis and check for liver damage

    Deterrence And Patient Education

    All pregnant women should have screening for hepatitis B infection and HIV infection. If they test positive for hepatitis B infection, then both the mother and newborn should be treated appropriately. Neonates who are born to mothers who have hepatitis B infection should be given hepatitis B vaccination within 12 hours of birth to prevent the transmission of the virus. Sometimes the mother needs to be treated actively during pregnancy, also depending on her viral load and HIV status.

    Healthcare workers should maintain strict infection control practices, and those at risk of contracting hepatitis C virus infection should be offered appropriate health education, testing, and treatment as required. Healthcare providers should be able to identify the individuals at risk and test them for hepatitis C infection. These individuals include people who have a history of injection drug use, persons infected with HIV, individuals with blood-borne exposure to hepatitis C virus, and certain healthcare workers.

    Patients who are at risk of developing alcoholic hepatitis or who already have alcoholic hepatitis should be educated about abstaining from alcohol completely and about serious health consequences of continued alcohol use. Patients should be referred to rehabilitation programs and should be encouraged to attend them regularly.


    Hepatitis A

    Hepatitis B

    Hepatitis C

    Hepatitis D

    Hepatitis E

    Hepatitis G

    Recommended Reading: Hepatitis C Common Signs And Symptoms

    How Is Viral Hepatitis Spread

    Hepatitis A and hepatitis E usually spread through contact with food or water that was contaminated with an infected person’s stool. You can also get hepatitis E by eating undercooked pork, deer, or shellfish.

    Hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and hepatitis D spread through contact with the blood of someone who has the disease. Hepatitis B and D may also spread through contact with other body fluids. This can happen in many ways, such as sharing drug needles or having unprotected sex.

    Can You Spread Autoimmune Hepatitis

    What is Hepatitis B? Signs, Symptoms, #Hepatitis Transmission and How to get #Tested

    Autoimmune hepatitis is a disorder of unidentified etiology, causing acute and chronic liver disease. The prevalence rate of this disorder is 16.9 per 100,000 and annual occurrence of 1.93 per 100,000. It affects all ages and races, particularly black patients may have worse outcomes. It is characterized by a female preponderance and women are affected three times more commonly than men.

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    In Development: Genital Herpes Vaccines

    Genital herpes is a viral infection caused by herpes simplex viruses. Some infected people may have few or no symptoms of illness, but many others experience blisters and sores in the genital area. The infection can remain in the body indefinitely, and sores can recur again and again.

    Researchers have developed many experimental attenuated and inactivated herpes vaccines, starting in the 1930s and continuing through the 1970s, though none was effective enough to be approved and licensed.

    The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline co-sponsored a Phase 3 clinical trial of a candidate subunit herpes vaccine on nearly 8,000 women across the country. The vaccine had previously shown some promise in a certain subset of women. In September 2010, however, researchers reported that the Phase 3 trial failed to show that the vaccine was effective. Another herpes candidate vaccine, sponsored by Sanofi Pasteur, uses the whole virus and is in pre-clinical studies.

    As much as it would be useful to have a highly effective herpes simplex vaccine, the current options are not likely to be broadly useful.

    Recommended Reading: Where Do I Get Hepatitis A Vaccine

    What Do Hepatitis C Symptoms Look Like

    Hepatitis C infection can go through two stages: acute and chronic. In the early, or acute stage, most people donât have symptoms. If they do develop symptoms, these can include:

    • flu-like symptoms, tiredness, high temperature and aches and pains
    • loss of appetite
    • jaundice, meaning your skin and the whites of your eyes turn yellow

    While for some people, the infection will clear without treatment, in most cases, acute infection will develop into long-term chronic infection. Chronic infection may not become apparent for a number of years until the liver displays signs of damage. These symptoms can include:

    • mental confusion and depression these are specific to hepatitis C
    • constantly feeling tired
    • nausea, vomiting or tummy pain
    • feeling bloated
    • joint and muscle pain

    Without treatment, chronic hepatitis C can cause scarring of the liver , which can cause the liver to stop working properly. A small number of people with cirrhosis develop liver cancer and these complications can lead to death. Other than a liver transplant, theres no cure for cirrhosis. However, treatments can help relieve some of the symptoms.

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    Types Of Hepatitis: Hepatitis A

    Hepatitis A is the mildest of this group of viral infections. Its transmitted through the fecal-oral route. In other words, an infected person expels it through their feces, contaminates food or water that another person eats or drinks, and the virus finds a new host.

    Hepatitis A patients suffer from gastroenteritis symptoms with liver involvement. Thus, fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting appear.

    As the liver is inflamed, the bile stagnates and doesnt circulate. As a result, the skin turns yellowish . This occurs because bilirubin impregnates the skin and mucous membranes, which is why the whites of the eyes also turn yellow. Excess bilirubin is eliminated through the urine, which also becomes darker.

    The usual symptoms last about 15 days. Although the disease can last for a month or more, this isnt common. Patients tend to recover without any major problems and, if there was no dehydration, they wont suffer from any lasting effects.

    The most dangerous symptom is fluid loss, especially in young children. Due to how fast it spreads, extreme precautionary measures should be taken when there are outbreaksin closed populations, such as schools.

    Keep reading: World Hepatitis Day: The Disease Is Preventable

    The Types Of Sexually Transmitted Diseases And Hepatitis Infections

    How Is Hepatitis B And C Spread

    STD is a sexually transmitted disease that is a severe condition that passes through sexual contact. Anyone can contract STD through unprotected sexual relationships. STD is also a sexual infection that is known as venereal disease. There are other ways through which this infection can pass, such as sharing used needles or breastfeeding. Different types of STDs can be transmitted through one person to another. In this article, you can know more about the types of it and diseases like hepatitis.

    Recommended Reading: How Serious Is Hepatitis C

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    Medications For Hepatitis C

    Many different medications can treat hepatitis C. Treatments most often include antivirals, with Riboviria sometimes prescribed if previous treatments were ineffective.

    Medications called direct-acting antivirals work to fully remove the hepatitis C virus from your body while helping prevent liver damage at the same time.

    A few brand names of these medications include:

    6 different genotypes , or strains, of hepatitis C.

    Once your doctor or other healthcare professional knows your genotype, theyll have a better idea of which medication will work best for you. Some strains have developed a resistance to some medications, so your genotype can affect your treatment options.

    Introduction: The Global Problem Of Infectious Hepatitis

    Viral hepatitis is a group of infectious diseases that affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Five different types of hepatitis virus have been identified: A, B, C, D and E. Hepatitis B and C are especially prevalent and lead to chronic hepatitis the most important cause of liver cirrhosis and cancer. Currently 240 million people are chronically infected with hepatitis B and 184 million people have antibodies against hepatitis C.

    The epidemiology, impact and duration of the infection vary according to the type of virus as well as the route of transmission. The main routes are blood transfusion, injection with contaminated material, ingestion of contaminated food or water, transmission from mother to child at birth, and sexual activity. Most people are asymptomatic and are unaware of having an infection that can result in liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Hepatitis B and C caused 1.4 million deaths in 2010.

    Courtney M. Townsend JR., MD, inSabiston Textbook of Surgery, 2022

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    Is Sex Safe If One Person Has Hepatitis C

    While the risk of transmitting the hepatitis C virus through sex is low, some sexual activities do increase the risk. Heres what to know to stay safe.

    Sofie Delauw/Stocksy

    If you or your partner has been diagnosed with hepatitis C, you dont have to swear off sex. Hepatitis C is spread through blood-to-blood contact, and although certain sexual behaviors may increase the risk of hepatitis C, the virus is only rarely spread through sexual transmission.

    That doesnt mean you should throw caution to the wind: Although treatable, hepatitis C is a serious illness that can harm the liver and lead to cirrhosis, liver failure, liver cancer, and other health complications. Whats more, it usually doesnt cause symptoms and can go undetected for years even decades.

    The risk comes down to whether sex results in mucosal tears in body tissues, such as to the or the rectum, says Andrew H. Talal, MD, MPH, a hepatologist and professor in the department of medicine at the University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, part of The State University of New York.

    Even the smallest tear in the skin or tissue gives the hepatitis C virus a way to travel from one body and enter the other. You need to always think about blood being exchanged thats where you need to be careful, Dr. Talal adds.

    Recommended Reading: What Is The Difference Between Hepatitis Ab And C

    The Types Of Viral Hepatitis

    What is #Hepatitis C? Symptoms, Causes, Transmission and How to #Test for Hepatitis From Home

    There are five main types of viral hepatitis known as hepatitis A , hepatitis B , hepatitis C , hepatitis D , and hepatitis E . That said, there have been cases of acute hepatitis that could not be attributed to one of these five types of hepatitis viruses, alcohol, drugs, or autoimmune disease, which lead researchers to try to find another cause.

    Though the etiology of these viruses have not yet been fully established, researchers have identified three other types of viral hepatitis , which they have named hepatitis F , hepatitis G , and transfusions transmitted virus . As relatively new diseases and viral discoveries, information about them and how they work is relatively scarce. We do know, however, that cases of TTV have only been associated with hepatitis in people who have had a blood transfusion.

    Don’t Miss: How Can Hepatitis C Be Contracted

    Recent Studies Of The Sexual Transmission Of Hepatitis C

    The information below is a summary of the most extensive study into the sexual transmission of Hepatitis C in heterosexual couples. If you wish to read the entire study please click on the link above.

    The rate of hepatitis C virus transmission by sexual activity remains controversial.

    We conducted a cross-sectional study of HCV-positive subjects and their partners to estimate the risk for HCV infection among monogamous heterosexual couples.

    A total of 500 antiHCV-positive, HIV negative subjects and their long-term heterosexual partners were studied. Couples were interviewed separately for lifetime risk factors for HCV infection, within-couple sexual practices, and sharing of personal grooming items.

    Blood samples were tested for Hepatitis C RNA, and HCV genotype.

    The majority of HCV-positive index subjects were non-Hispanic white, with an age range of 26 to 79 years and a range of 2 to 52 years of sexual activity with their partners.

    Overall, HCV prevalence among partners was 4% . Viral isolates in three couples were highly related, consistent with transmission of virus within the couple.

    Based on 8,377 person-years of follow-up, the maximum incidence rate of HCV transmission by sex was 0.07% per year or approximately one per 190,000 sexual contacts. No specific sexual practices were related to HCV positivity among couples.

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    Who Should Be Tested

    Testing for hepatitis A is not routinely recommended.

    CDC recommends hepatitis B testing for:

    • Men who have sex with men
    • People who inject drugs
    • Household and sexual contacts of people with hepatitis B
    • People requiring immunosuppressive therapy
    • People with end-stage renal disease
    • People with hepatitis C
    • People with elevated ALT levels
    • Infants born to HBV-infected mothers

    CDC recommends hepatitis C testing for:

    • All adults aged 18 years and older
    • All pregnant women during each pregnancy
    • About 24,900 new infections each year
    • About 22,600 new infections in 2018
    • Estimated 862,000 people living with hepatitis B
    • About 50,300 new infections in 2018
    • Estimated 2.4 million people living with hepatitis C

    Recommended Reading: Can You Get Hepatitis A After Vaccination

    Is There Any Way To Prevent Hepatitis A

    The No. 1 way to avoid getting hepatitis A is by getting the hepatitis A vaccine. This vaccine is given in a series of two injections, 6 to 12 months apart.

    If youre traveling to a country where hepatitis A transmission is more common, get your vaccination at least 2 weeks before traveling. It usually takes 2 weeks after the first injection for your body to start building immunity to hepatitis A. If youre not traveling for at least a year, its best to get both injections before leaving.

    Check your destination on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention site to see if you should get a hepatitis A vaccination.

    To limit your chance of contracting hepatitis A, you should also:

    • thoroughly wash your hands with soap and warm water before eating or drinking, and after using the restroom
    • drink bottled water rather than local water in developing countries, or in countries where theres a high risk of contracting hepatitis A
    • dine at established, reputable restaurants, rather than from street vendors
    • avoid eating peeled or raw fruit and vegetables in an area with low sanitation or hygienic standards

    How Serious Is It

    Pin on Hepatitis chart
    • People can be sick for a few weeks to a few months
    • Most recover with no lasting liver damage
    • Although very rare, death can occur
    • 15%25% of chronically infected people develop chronic liver disease, including cirrhosis, liver failure, or liver cancer
    • More than 50% of people who get infected with the hepatitis C virus develop a chronic infection
    • 5%-25% of people with chronic hepatitis C develop cirrhosis over 1020 years

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