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Hepatitis A Vaccine Side Effects Baby

Vaccine Side Effects & Injury Lawyers

Does HepB Vaccine Cause Defects?

If you or a loved one has been the victim of a vaccine side effect, you should contact a vaccine lawyer with experience in this type of complex litigation.

We have recently partnered with Schmidt & Clark, LLP a Nationally recognized law firm who handles vaccine lawsuits in all 50 states.

The lawyers at the firm offer a Free Confidential Case Evaluation and may be able to obtain financial compensation for you or a loved one by filing a vaccine lawsuit or claim with The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Contact Schmidt & Clark today by using the form below or by calling them directly at .

Why Is Hepa Recommended

The HepA vaccine not only protects the kids who get it. It also can help prevent outbreaks. An outbreak is when a disease happens in greater numbers than expected in a particular area.

Childcare centers are a common site of hepatitis A outbreaks. Some kids can be infected and not have symptoms. But they can still spread the virus to others. Having many young kids vaccinated against hepatitis A can stop it from spreading in a community.

Types Of Hepatitis Shots

Hepatitis is of five varieties and is depicted by the letters A, B, C, D, and E. All of them affect the liver but differ from each other in important ways, such that each disease requires different treatments.

Hepatitis A is spread through contaminated food and the faeces of people who already have the disease. This type of hepatitis has a safe vaccine. Hepatitis B is transmitted through needles and blood transfusions. This variation also has a vaccine. Hepatitis C is more dangerous as it does not have a vaccine. Hepatitis D occurs when a person is already infected with Hepatitis B. The vaccine for Hepatitis B provides protection from Hepatitis D. Hepatitis E also has a vaccine but, since the disease is rather new and affects only developing countries, the vaccine is not as widely available as the other vaccines. In most cases, the vaccines are available in an injection form, while China has oral vaccines for some forms of Hepatitis.

Read Also: How Do You Contact Hepatitis A

What Is The Most Important Information I Should Know About Hepatitis B Pediatric Vaccine

Hepatitis B vaccine will not protect against infection with hepatitis A, C, and E, or other viruses that affect the liver. It may also not protect against hepatitis B if your child is already infected with the virus, even if he or she does not yet show symptoms.

Your child should not receive this vaccine if he or she ever had a life-threatening allergic reaction to any vaccine containing hepatitis B. Hepatitis B pediatric vaccine should not be given to a child who is allergic to yeast.

If your child has any of these other conditions, this vaccine may need to be postponed or not given at all:

  • kidney disease
  • a bleeding or blood clotting disorder such as hemophilia or easy bruising
  • an allergy to latex rubber or
  • a neurologic disorder or disease affecting the brain .

Your child can still receive a vaccine if he or she has a minor cold. If the child has a more severe illness with a fever or any type of infection, your doctor may recommend waiting until the child gets better before receiving this vaccine.

It is not known whether this vaccine will harm an unborn baby. However, if you are at a high risk for infection with hepatitis B during pregnancy, your doctor should determine whether you need this vaccine.

It may not be safe to breastfeed while using this medicine. Ask your doctor about any risk.

Hepatitis B Vaccine Side Effects

Why do newborns need the hepatitis B vaccine?

As with any medication, the hepatitis B vaccine may cause some side effects. Most people dont experience any unwanted effects. The most common symptom is a sore arm from the injection site.

When receiving the vaccination, youll likely receive information or a pamphlet regarding the side effects that you might expect, and others that warrant medical attention.

Mild side effects usually last only . Mild side effects of the vaccine include:

  • redness, swelling, or itching at the injection site
  • a purple spot or lump at the injection site

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Side Effects Of Immunisation Against Hepatitis A

Immunisations against hepatitis A are effective and safe. All medications can have side effects.

For most people, the chance of a serious side effect from a vaccine is much lower than the chance of serious harm if you catch the disease.

Common side effects from the hepatitis A vaccine include:

  • localised pain, redness and swelling at the injection site
  • low-grade temperature
  • headache.

A Look At Each Vaccine: Hepatitis A Vaccine

The hepatitis A vaccine is recommended for all children between 12 months and 18 years of age living in the United States. It is also recommended for others who are considered to be at increased risk of infection, including:

  • Those traveling to countries with moderate or high rates of hepatitis A
  • Those in close contact with a child adopted from a country with moderate or high rates of hepatitis A
  • People experiencing homelessness
  • Men who have sex with men
  • People who use injection or non-injection drugs
  • People with chronic liver disease or HIV infection
  • People with increased risk of exposure because of their job
  • Pregnant women who might be at increased risk
  • Unvaccinated people 1 year of age and older who are at risk for hepatitis A during outbreaks
  • People who have been exposed to hepatitis A in the last two weeks .

The hepatitis A vaccine is typically given as a series of two shots the second administered at least 6 months after the first. Children receiving the first shot should be at least 1 year old. Those up to 18 years old who have not been vaccinated against hepatitis A should get the vaccine.

Because hepatitis A outbreaks occur each year in the U.S., adults who wish to be protected against the disease can be vaccinated.

Also Check: How Is Hepatitis B Contracted

Symptoms Of Hepatitis A

You can become ill any time between 2 and 4 weeks after coming into contact with the hepatitis A virus.

The average incubation period for the virus is 28 days.

Many infected people, particularly children less than 5 years old, show few or no symptoms.

For older children and adults, the symptoms of hepatitis A include:

  • yellow skin and eyes .

Symptoms may last for several weeks. Most people fully recover from hepatitis A infection.

A single infection of hepatitis A leads to lifelong immunity. Prior infection with hepatitis B or hepatitis C does not offer immunity for hepatitis A.

Why Was The Hepatitis A Vaccine Recommended For All Children 2 To 18 Years Old After It Was Given To Only Certain Groups At First

Hepatitis A Vaccine Requests

When the hepatitis A vaccine first became available in the United States, it was only recommended for specific people who were at increased risk of getting hepatitis A. However, in 2006 the recommendation was extended to include all infants between 12 months and 23 months of age. The recommendation was updated again in 2020 to include vaccination of all children between 2 and 18 years of age who were not previously vaccinated against hepatitis A.

  • Originally, the vaccine could only be given to children 2 years of age or older. In 2006, following additional studies, use of the vaccine was expanded to include infants between 12 months and 23 months of age.
  • Disease rates had been controlled in parts of the country where the vaccine was recommended, yet cases of hepatitis A were still occurring, particularly in regions where children were not regularly getting the vaccine. So, the recommendation was expanded to protect children in all parts of the country.

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How Can You Avoid Catching Hepatitis A Virus When Traveling

Anyone traveling to countries where hepatitis A virus infections are common should avoid the following:

  • Ice and unbottled water
  • Uncooked or unpeeled vegetables and fruit
  • Food from street vendors
  • Salads

Vaccination at least 2 weeks before travel is generally also recommended. Additional travel information is available in the CDC travel publication, Yellow Book.

What Is Hepatitis A And B Vaccine

Hepatitis A and B are serious diseases caused by virus.

Hepatitis A is spread through contact with the stool of a person infected with the hepatitis A virus. This usually occurs by eating food or drinking water that has become contaminated as a result of handling by an infected person.

Hepatitis B is spread through blood or bodily fluids, sexual contact or sharing IV drug needles with an infected person, or during childbirth when a baby is born to a mother who is infected.

Hepatitis causes inflammation of the liver, vomiting, and jaundice . Hepatitis can lead to liver cancer, cirrhosis, or death.

The hepatitis A and B vaccine is used to help prevent these diseases in adults. The vaccine works by exposing you to a small dose of the virus, which causes the body to develop immunity to the disease. This vaccine will not treat an active infection that has already developed in the body.

This vaccine is recommended for adults with risk factors for getting hepatitis A or B, including:

Like any vaccine, the hepatitis A and B vaccine may not provide protection from disease in every person.

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Monitoring Safety Of The 6

In the UK, the safety of vaccines is monitored through the Yellow Card Scheme by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency and the Commission on Human Medicines.

Most reactions to the 6-in-1 vaccines reported through the Yellow Card Scheme have been minor, such as a rash, high temperature, vomiting, redness or swelling at the site of the injection.

Page last reviewed: 11 June 2019 Next review due: 11 June 2022

Possible Side Effects Of The Hepatitis A Vaccine In A Baby

Which Vaccinations Should My Child Receive?

The chances of your child suffering from serious side effects after receiving the Hepatitis A vaccination are pretty low. In fact, being infected with the disease is far more serious than the side effects of the vaccination. Some of the common side effects that your child might experience are:

  • Soreness at the point of injection with tenderness and redness.
  • High fever

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When To Call The Doctor About Vaccine Side Effects

Though severe vaccine side effects are rare, you should call the pediatrician right away if your baby has any of the following reactions or symptoms within two days of getting a shot:

  • High fever
  • Crying for more than three hours at a time or a high-pitched cry that lasts more than one hour
  • Seizures or convulsions which may be related to a very high fever
  • Severe, persistent seizures or major alterations in consciousness
  • Listlessness, unresponsiveness, excessive sleepiness
  • An allergic reaction such as swelling of mouth, face or throat breathing difficulties or a rash which requires immediate medical attention and a call to 911
  • Behavior changes anything that’s not normal for your child warrants a call to the pediatrician just to be on the safe side

Though these side effects could be unrelated to the vaccine and could be signs of an unrelated illness, call your doctor immediately if your child has any of these more serious symptoms .

From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author of What to Expect When You’re Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

Concerns About Immunisation Side Effects

If a side effect following immunisation is unexpected, persistent or severe, or if you are worried about yourself or your childs condition after a vaccination, see your doctor or immunisation nurse as soon as possible or go directly to a hospital.

Immunisation side effects may be reported to SAEFVIC, the Victorian vaccine safety and central reporting service. Adverse events in other states or territories can be reported through SAEFVAC.

It is important to seek medical advice if you are unwell, as this may be due to other illness rather than because of the vaccination.

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What Other Drugs Affect The Vaccine

A total of 187 drugs are known to interact with the Hepatitis A vaccine. However, not all interactions are adverse reactions and it is best to let your doctor decide if the drug will react adversely to the vaccination. Let your childs doctor know if your child is on any other medication, including other vaccines. Once the doctor has administered the vaccination, then follow her orders on food and beverage restrictions.

Before Taking This Medicine

Fever After Vaccination in Babies Causes & How to Deal With It

Hepatitis A pediatric vaccine will not protect against infection with hepatitis B, C, and E, or other viruses that affect the liver. It may also not protect against hepatitis A if your child is already infected with the virus, even without showing symptoms.

Your child should not receive this vaccine if he or she has ever had a life-threatening allergic reaction to any vaccine containing hepatitis A, or if the child is allergic to neomycin.

Before receiving this vaccine, tell the doctor if your child has:

  • an allergy to latex rubber or

  • a weak immune system (caused by disease or by using certain medicine.

Your child can still receive a vaccine if he or she has a minor cold. In the case of a more severe illness with a fever or any type of infection, wait until the child gets better before receiving this vaccine.

Hepatitis A vaccine is not approved for use by anyone younger than 12 months old.

Recommended Reading: Is Hepatitis A Virus Or Bacteria

Why Should I Vaccinate My Child

While hepatitis A still occurs in the U.S., there’s been more than a 90% decrease in new infection cases since the vaccine was introduced in 1995. New cases are now estimated around 3,000 a year versus the 234,000 new cases of infection in 1980. Despite this progress, hepatitis A is still one of the most commonly reported vaccine preventable diseases.

Experienced Nationwide Attorney For Vaccine Injuries

Likehepatitis A, hepatitis B is an infectious, viral disease of the liver. Unlike hepatitis A, hepatitis B is primarily spread through sexual contact with an infected partner. Perinatal transmission of the disease from an infected mother to her unborn child is another major source of transmission in developing countries. Around the world, an estimated 350 million people are chronic carriers of hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B vaccinations have been commonplace in the United States since the early 1990’s. Ninety-five percent of children who receive a hepatitis B vaccination are sufficiently immunized against the disease and will remain largely protected for the rest of their lives. Children who are born to a hepatitis B infected mother are generally immunized at birth.

Several inactivated virus vaccines, including Recombivax HB, GenHevac B, Hepagene, and Engerix-B, can prevent hepatitis B. Twinrix is a vaccine against both hepatitis A and B. Hepatitis B vaccine may be given by itself or in the same shot with other vaccines. In the United States, infants receive 3 doses of hepatitis vaccines. CDC recommends anyone through 18 years of age who did not get the vaccine when they were younger should also be vaccinated. However, these vaccines can also carry serious consequences.

Recommended Reading: Hepatitis C And Liver Disease

What Side Effects Can I Expect After A Vaccination

Side effects may occur up to three weeks after vaccination. If you experience any severe side effects, be sure to tell your doctor.

  • Hepatitis A: Soreness and redness at injection site, headache, fatigue, severe allergic reaction in very rare cases
  • Hepatitis B: Soreness at injection site, fever
  • Influenza: Redness and swelling at injection site that can last up to two days, fever
  • Tetanus/Diphtheria: Low-grade fever, soreness and swelling at injection site
  • Measles, Mumps, Rubella : Non-contagious rash, swelling of neck glands and cheeks, pain and stiffness of joints one to two weeks after vaccination
  • Varicella: Fever, soreness or redness at injection site, rash or small bumps up to three weeks after vaccination
  • Pneumococcal: Fever, soreness at injection site
  • Oral Polio Vaccine : None
  • Inactivated Polio Vaccine : Redness, discomfort at injection site

WebMD Medical ReferenceReviewed by Traci C. Johnson, MD on September 06, 2021

Pregnancy And Hepatitis A Immunisation

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Hepatitis A immunisation is not usually recommended for women who are pregnant although vaccination might be recommended in some situations.

Speak with your doctor if you are not immune to hepatitis A and you are at increased risk of infection or if you have a pre-existing medical condition such as liver disease.

Read Also: Hepatitis B Vaccine Schedule For Adults

Is The Hep A Vaccine Safe For Everyone

The Havrix and Vaqta vaccines are considered safe for people over the age of one. The Twinrix is approved for anyone over age 18.

The vaccine doesnt contain a live virus, so its safe if you have a compromised immune system. You can also get the vaccine during pregnancy.

It may not be safe if youve had a serious allergic reaction to a previous hepatitis A vaccine.

If youre feeling sick, ask your doctor if you should wait until you recover to get vaccinated. Talk to your doctor about your medical history and whether the hepatitis A vaccine is right for you.

If you ever had hepatitis A, youve got lifelong protection against the virus. You dont need a vaccine.

Think about getting the vaccine if youre at increased risk of contracting the hepatitis virus.

You may be at-risk if you:

  • travel to countries where hepatitis A is common
  • travel to areas that have poor sanitation or a lack of safe drinking water
  • are a laboratory worker who may come in contact with the virus
  • may have direct contact with someone who has hepatitis A
  • are a man who has sex with men
  • use drugs

100 percent of people who get vaccinated develop protective antibodies within a month of a single dose.

If you miss your chance, you can still get vaccinated within two weeks of having been exposed to the virus.

Children between 6 months and 1 year can get the vaccine if theyre at high risk of hepatitis A. Because the immune response may not be adequate at that age, the child can get the vaccine again after age one.

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