Friday, July 26, 2024

Treatment Of Hepatitis B In Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease

Management Of Hcv And Ckd

Clinical trial investigates possibility of stopping medication as cure for Hepatitis B

The goal of treatment is to achieve sustained virologic response . Optimal treatment for HCV-infected CKD patients should consider the HCV genotype, extent of liver damage, CKD stage, transplant candidacy, prior HCV treatment, patient comorbidities, and the benefits and risks of antiviral treatment itself.8

Interferon-based therapy was used sparingly in the past as it was limited by low efficacy as well as high toxicity. A meta-analysis of 10 clinical studies by Fabrizi et al studying interferon/ribavirin in HCV-infected patients receiving hemodialysis showed a summary SVR rate of 56% and discontinuation rate of 25%.21

The advent of direct-acting antivirals has dramatically changed the approach to HCV genotype and viral load. For example, SVR rates generally exceed 90% in most subpopulations with DAAs.22,23 These therapies target non-structural parts of the HCV genome and include NS3/4A protease inhibitors, nucleotide analog NS5B polymerase inhibitors, NS5A inhibitors, and multi-class combination antiviral medications. These newer therapies have been the focus of clinical research in recent years for their improved efficacy, compared to interferon-based therapies. Typically, multiple DAAs are used in combination, NS5A or NS5B inhibitor with a protease inhibitor, to target the different aspects of the HCV genome. Multi-class combination antiviral medications for HCV infection are summarized in Figure 2.

NameFigure 2: Multi-Class Combination Direct-Acting Antivirals:

Risk Factors For Hbv Infection In Dialysis Units

Hepatitis B infection in haemodialysis unit is characterised by high infectivity, persistence of infection, different disease profile and coinfection with other viruses. Independent risk factors for HBV infection among dialysis patients in nonendemic areas include the following: Presence of HBsAg -positive patients within the same dialysis unit. Non-segregation with dedicated haemodialysis machines for HBsAg-positive patients. A lower than 50 percent prevalence rate of hepatitis B vaccination among dialysis patients in the same unit.,

Nosocomial transmission is a well-recognized risk for HBV infection in haemodialysis patients. The preparation of injectable medications on a cart or in a location within the haemodialysis treatment area is associated with a higher incidence rate for HBV infection compared with centres that prepared these medications in a dedicated medication room . Although HBV DNA traverses the dialyzer membrane during high-flux dialysis, the degree of infectivity of dialysate and ultrafiltrate remains controversial.

Who Should Be Vaccinated For Hepatitis B

All newborns should be vaccinated. Also, people who are under 18 who were not vaccinated at birth should also get the vaccine. Other groups who should be sure to be vaccinated are those in certain high-risk categories, such as:

  • People who have more than one sexual partner.
  • Men who have sex with men.
  • Adults with diabetes.
  • Sexual partners of infected people and people who share households with infected individuals.
  • People who are exposed to blood and other bodily fluids, including healthcare and public safety professionals, and people who work in jails and other places taking care of people who cant take care of themselves.

Recommended Reading: Hepatitis B Vaccine Schedule Adults

Hepatitis B Causes And Risk Factors

Itâs caused by the hepatitis B virus, and it can spread from person to person in certain ways. You can spread the hepatitis B virus even if you donât feel sick.

The most common ways to get hepatitis B include:

  • Sex. You can get it if you have unprotected sex with someone who has it and your partnerâs blood, saliva, , or vaginal secretions enter your body.
  • Sharing needles. The virus spreads easily via needles and syringes contaminated with infected blood.
  • Accidental needle sticks.Health care workers and anyone else who comes in contact with human blood can get it this way.
  • Mother to child.Pregnant women with hepatitis B can pass it to their babies during childbirth. But thereâs a vaccine to prevent newborns from becoming infected.

Hepatitis B doesnât spread through kissing, food or water, shared utensils, coughing or sneezing, or through touch.

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Tenofovir And Renal Function In Clinical Trials

Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (TDF) Is Safe and Well Tolerated in ...

Combined antiviral therapy was not associated with increased risk of renal damage when compared with ETV monotherapy. In a recent study, the increase of sCr values had similar frequency in patients receiving combined therapy or monotherapy at week 96. Elevation of sCr levels above 0.5 mg/dl was more frequent in patients in monotherapy, but in any case, antiviral drug dose reduction was necessary . Renal safety profile of the new prodrug tenofovir alafenamide fumarate seemed to be different from TDF. TAF showed no in vitro interaction with hOAT receptors, which are involved in renal TDF nephrotoxicity . A phase 2 study was performed in HIV patients to compare the safety profile of TAF with that of TDF. Patients treated with TAF had a similar virological response, a smaller reduction of CrCL and lower proteinuria than patients treated with TDF after 48 weeks of therapy. TAF effective dosage was lower than TDF .

Recommended Reading: Can Hepatitis Turn Into Hiv

Kidney Health Food Shopping List

This is another excellent supplement to your recipe book and meal planner. The most important factor in a healthy kidney is the diet, and you have to substitute unhealthy food items with healthy ones. This useful guide helps you choose the best food items next time you shop for groceries. It lists out the foods you should consume and what you shouldnt eat to improve your kidney function.

Chronic Hepatitis B Symptoms

Most patients with chronic hepatitis B are asymptomatic unless their disease progresses. Others might have nonspecific symptoms, such as fatigue.

Some patients experience worsening of the infection and develop signs and symptoms similar to acute hepatitis.

If patients with chronic hepatitis B progress to cirrhosis they will develop signs and symptoms of liver failure, including:

  • Peripheral edema

Recommended Reading: Nofx The Hepatitis Bathtub And Other Stories Audiobook

The Kidney Disease Solution Ebook

This is the most important part of the program, which has 114 pages split in 13 sections. Its a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to the entire program. It contains all the information that you require to alter your way of life and improving your kidneys. The solutions found in the book are supported by the most recent studies and research in the language that is easy to comprehend.

How Does This Kidney Disease Solution Program Work

CAR-T therapy, a novel promising treatment option for chronic hepatitis B and HBV-associated HCC

The book, cookbook and audio guides people through the process step-by-step. The guidebook provides guidelines for how to change your lifestyle in order to improve kidney health. In addition, the cookbook provides special recipes to help support kidney function and health. Additionally, it offers various natural remedies to aid in the treatment of your problem.

The audio material provides guided meditation along with morning yoga flow exercises. The guided meditation audio can be effective in relieving stress and improving sleep quality. Morning yoga flow exercises taught by the renowned yoga teacher Antonella Milo, aim to improve your energy levels for the day , while promoting kidney health.

In the end, the assortment of products offers a comprehensive and natural way to treat kidney disease. By incorporating simple lifestyle changes, releasing stress with meditation, and incorporating yoga exercises, you will be able to put an end to the pain and discomfort that are caused by the kidney condition.

Also Check: Unspecified Viral Hepatitis C Without Hepatic Coma

Renal Dysfunction In Hepatitis B Cirrhosis

Diagnosis Definition
Acute kidney injury Rise in serum creatinine of â¥50% from baseline or a rise of serum creatinine by â¥26.4 mmol/l in < 48 h HRS type 1 is a specific form of acute kidney injury
Chronic kidney disease Glomerular filtration rate of < 60 ml/min for > 3 mo calculated using MDRD6 formula HRS type 2 is a specific form of chronic kidney disease
Acute-on-chronic kidney disease Rise in serum creatinine of â¥50% from baseline or a rise of serum creatinine by â¥26.4 mmol/l in < 48 h in a patient with cirrhosis whose glomerular filtration rate is < 60 ml/min for > 3 mo calculated using MDRD6 formula
  • HRS, hepatorenal syndrome MDRD6, modification of diet in renal disease formula calculated using six variables of serum creatinine, age, gender, albumin, blood urea nitrogen and whether the patient is African-American.

The Hepatitis B Vaccine

Getting the hepatitis B vaccine is one of the most effective ways to prevent hepatitis B. Its usually administered in two, three, or four doses. In many countries, infants receive their first dose of the vaccine at birth.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that infants receive their first dose of the vaccine at birth and finish all doses at 6 to 18 months old.

The CDC also recommends all children under the age of 19 years old be vaccinated if they havent already received the vaccination.

Adults can also get the hepatitis B vaccine. The vaccine is generally recommended if you have an increased risk of contracting the virus. Some of these risk factors include:

  • traveling to or living in a region where hepatitis B is common
  • being sexually active with more than one partner or with a partner who has hepatitis B
  • working in a medical setting or other workplaces where youre exposed to bodily fluids
  • using intravenous drugs and sharing drug equipment
  • having chronic liver disease, a human immunodeficiency virus infection, a hepatitis C infection, diabetes, or kidney disease on dialysis

If youve been exposed to the hepatitis B virus and havent been vaccinated, try to see a doctor right away. They can administer the first dose of the vaccine, though youll need to follow up to receive the remaining doses over the next few months.

They may also prescribe a medication called

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Whats The Outlook For People With Chronic Hep B

The majority of people who have hep B as adults fully recover within 1 to 3 months. Children under the age of 5 are at the highest risk of developing chronic hep B infection.

Medications can help manage chronic hep B, but about 15 to 25 percent of people die prematurely from liver cancer, cirrhosis, or liver failure.

More than half of liver cancers are caused by chronic hep B infection. Taking your medications as prescribed and following your healthcare professionals recommendations can help you minimize your chances of complications.

Preventive Measures Of Hcv Spread In Hemodialysis Units

Opportunities for treatment of the hepatitis C virus

There is only one preventive measure against HCV spread within hemodialysis units, and that is the strict adhesion to the general precautions for blood-borne infections. As mentioned above, there is no universal recommendation to provide a hemodialysis procedure for HCV-positive patients in exclusively dedicated rooms or on dialysis machines . The risk of transmission after needlestick injury from an HCV-positive source is rather low . Also, there are no recommended measures after exposure. Active vaccination against HCV is still not available despite very intensive research in this field.

Recommended Reading: Signs And Symptoms Of Hepatitis

There Are Many People Who Do Not Understand The Importance Of Safe Sex But After Knowing That There Are Some Incurable Stds You Shouldn Take Risks

Listen to this article

Engaging in safe sex is crucial not only to prevent vaginal infections but also to be aware of the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases . A STD is a bacteria or virus that is spread by sexual contact and can seriously harm your sexual health. It is not a typical infection that can be easily treated. Unfortunately, there are also some incurable STDs.

In an exclusive chat with Health Shots, Dr Neha Bothara, Consultant-Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Hiranandani Hospital Vashi-A Fortis Network Hospital, about which STDs cannot be completely cured.

Preventing And Treating Viral Hepatitis In End

Due to innate and adaptive immune alterations and the risk fornosocomial infection from exposure to potentially infected blood-borne sources,patients with end-stage renal disease have an elevated risk ofcontracting viral infections such as hepatitis B virus and hepatitis Cvirus . An estimated 8% to 10% of ESRD patients in the United States haveHCV infection compared with 1.6% of the general population, and HBV prevalencerates as high as 6.6% have been noted in dialysis centers across severalcountries.1

HBV and HCV infection are associated with significant morbidity,mortality, and substantial treatment challenges in this patient group,including complications arising from concurrent hepatic and renal disease.Cirrhosis can develop in untreated individuals and compound the alreadyimmense burden of disease in patients with ESRD, manifesting as encephalopathy,refractory ascites, coagulopathy, and variceal bleeding, wrote nephrologistVivek Soi, MD, and colleagues at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit, Michigan,in a 2019 review published in Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease.1

What are the recommended screening andprevention strategies for HBV and HCV in patients with end-stage renal disease?

Prevention strategies include standard precautions , as well as hemodialysis-specific measures .

What are the optimal treatment approachesfor patients with HBV or HCV and concurrent ESRD?

Also Check: How To Reduce Hepatitis B Viral Load Naturally

Who Are They For

The Kidney Disease Solution program is ideal for patients suffering from kidney disease who have limited options in managing their kidney issues. If you are suffering from kidney issues then you should consider trying the program and see what difference it makes for your overall health. For those who are in the late stages of kidney disease, this program could potentially reverse the disease.

If youre not suffering from kidney disease, you may consider trying it since nearly everybody can benefit from the tips, recipes, and exercises in the program. Its not just about improving kidney function, but also on changing your lifestyle and diet to achieve better overall health. The fact is prevention is always more effective than treatment.

However, those with medical conditions should consult first with their physician prior to using the program. The program isnt recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and those who are younger than 18.

There Is No Cure For Chronic Hepatitis B That Could Change

ABCs of Kidney Disease | Treatment Options for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

A trio of leading hepatitis researchers survey the treatments in development for chronic hepatitis B. They end on a high note: That for the first time in 20 years, a cure is in sight.

With the surge in the development of drugs for hepatitis B over the last few years, researchers from the Institute of Hepatology Foundation for Liver Research at Kings College London recently published a comprehensive overview of the therapeutics being evaluated.

Chronic hepatitis B viral infection remains one the biggest threats to global public health, with 296 million chronically infected people worldwide, according to a 2019 report from the World Health Organization. The WHO estimates that 1.5 million people are newly infected each year. Around the world, an estimated 820,000 people die each year from hepatitis B and related complications.

The goal of current hepatitis B therapies is to suppress viral replication to reduce liver damage and improve the patient survival rate, noted Sandra Phillips, Ravi Jagatia and Shilpa Chokshi in their review, which was published in the journal Virulence late last year. But advances in hepatitis research, the success of curative antiviral treatments for chronic hepatitis C and promising compounds undergoing clinical evaluation, offer hope for new and better treatments for patients with chronic hepatitis B.

Here is a rundown on some of the promising research highlighted by Phillips, Jagatia and Chokshi

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The Kidney Disease Solution Cookbook

The 133-page book is full of simple recipes you need to add to create a kidney-friendly diet. Each recipe provides you with the daily nutritional requirements of your body. The book also instructs you how to adopt good eating patterns. Additionally, it offers recipes specific to other health conditions you might suffer from, like diabetes and hypertension.

Antiviral Therapy In Ckd And Hemodialyzed Patients

The current recommendations for the initiation of antiviral therapy in CKD and dialysis patients are based upon similar factors as they are for the general population. The most important parameter in this regard seems to be the viral replication level . The critical level for therapy initiation has been proven to be 2,000 IU/ml. In some cases, the therapeutic decision should not be based on the HBV-DNA level alone. Additionally, the severity of liver disease should be considered, and the antiviral therapy should only be initiated if significant fibrosis or necroinflammatory activity is present . Therefore, antiviral therapy should be initiated in HBeAg-positive as well as in HBeAg-negative disease only if HBV-DNA 2,000 IU/ml therefore, HBV-DNA should be tested annually or in case of any unexplained ALT elevation . In HBeAg-negative disease, the replication may be present due to mutations in the BCP or pre-C regions of the HBV genome . These mutations block the secretion of HBeAg into the serum of the infected individuals.

The ideal objective of the treatment is the seroconversion to anti-HBs. This status is called closest to cure as at the molecular level, HBV infection is an incurable disease because cccDNA persists in the hepatocytes of every HBV-exposed person for their entire lives. The real aim of the treatment, which is achievable by the current treatment options, is the long-term suppression of HBV replication .

Read Also: Hepatitis B And C How Do You Get It

Dose Adjustment Of Tdf And Early Diagnosis Of Tdf

The American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases guidelines recommend to measure eGFR, phosphaturia, urine protein/creatinine ratio, glycosuria and tubular proteinuria in patients with HIV infection every 6 months during TDF therapy. They recommend to reduce TDF dosage if eGFR is below 60 ml/min and to stop TDF treatment if eGFR, phosphaturia, urine protein/creatinine ratio and glycosuria change significantly . In patients with chronic HBV infection, sCr, eGFR and phosphataemia should be measured before and every 6 months during TDF exposure. Particular attention has to be given in patients at higher risk for kidney disease and in haemodialysis patients. In patients at risk for renal disease, renal parameters must be measured every month during the first 3 months of therapy, then every 3 months until the end of the first year and every 6 months thereafter. Patients developing eGFR < 60 ml/min and/or serum phosphorus < 2 mg/dl during therapy have to be monitored more closely. TDF dosage adjustment is required in patients with GFR < 50 ml/min . Lampertico et al. suggested making dose reduction also in patients with eGFR < 60 ml/min and/or low levels of serum phosphorus. In their study cohort, the estimated cumulative probability of dose reduction for renal adverse events was 11% for naïve patients and 24% in patients previously treated with ADV at month 48 .

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