Friday, July 26, 2024

Does The Hpv Vaccine Protect Against Hepatitis B

Who Should Not Get Hpv Vaccine

Just Another Shot: Reframing the HPV Vaccine

Tell your doctor about any severe allergies. Some people should not get some HPV vaccines, including:

  • People who have ever had a life-threatening allergic reaction to any ingredient of an HPV vaccine, or to a previous dose of HPV vaccine.
  • People who have an allergy to yeast .
  • People who are pregnant.

HPV vaccines are safe for children who are mildly ill for example, with a low-grade fever of less than 101 degrees, a cold, runny nose, or cough. People with a moderate or severe illness should wait until they are better.

Concurrent Administration Of Vaccines

HB-containing vaccines may be administered concomitantly with other vaccines or with HBIg. Different injection sites and separate needles and syringes must be used for concurrent parenteral injections.

Refer to Timing of Vaccine Administration in Part 1 for additional information about concurrent administration of vaccines.

Guidance On Reporting Adverse Events Following Immunization

Vaccine providers are asked to report, through local public health officials, any serious or unexpected adverse event temporally related to vaccination. An unexpected AEFI is an event that is not listed in available product information but may be due to the immunization, or a change in the frequency of a known AEFI.

Refer to Reporting Adverse Events Following Immunization in Canada and Adverse events following immunization in Part 2 for additional information about AEFI reporting.

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Only 201 Percent Of Girls And 14 Percent Of Boys In Tennessee Have Received All Three Hpv Vaccine Doses Meanwhile Hepatitis B Rates Are Rising

People often wish that there was a vaccine to protect against cancer. What you may not realize is that for some cancers caused by viruses, those vaccines are already available to you.

HPV, a common virus that infects about 14 million Americans each year, is linked to several types of preventable cancers. More than 10 years ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began recommending the HPV vaccine for girls to prevent cervical cancer.

Since then, we have learned HPV causes at least five other types of cancer in men and women, including about 90 percent of anal cancers about 70 percent of vaginal, vulvar and oropharyngeal cancers and more than 60 percent of penile cancers.

The CDC now recommends the HPV vaccine to all girls AND boys ages 11-12. Teenage girls and young women can get the vaccine until age 26, and most teenage boys and young men can get the vaccine until age 21.

Despite this recommendation, only 39.7 percent of girls and 21.6 percent of boys in the U.S. have received all three doses of the HPV vaccine. In Tennessee, the numbers are even more troubling only 20.1 percent of girls and 14 percent of boys have received all three doses.

Hepatitis B and C are known to lead to liver cancer, and together cause about 65 percent of cases in the U.S. A vaccine is available for hepatitis B, so if you were not vaccinated for this at birth, you should get vaccinated now.

How Is The Hpv Vaccine Given

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The HPV vaccine is given as 2 injections into the upper arm spaced at least 6 months apart.

It’s important to have both doses of the vaccine to be properly protected.

If you missed the HPV vaccine offered in school Year 8, you can get it for free up until your 25th birthday.

But if you get your 1st vaccine dose at the age of 15 or over, you’ll need to have 3 injections.

Men who have sex with men , and trans men and trans women who are eligible for the vaccine, will need 3 doses of the vaccine .

If you need 3 doses of the vaccine:

  • the 2nd dose should be given at least 1 month after the 1st dose
  • the 3rd dose should be given at least 3 months after the 2nd dose

It’s important to have all 3 vaccine doses to be properly protected.

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How Many Doses Of Hpv Vaccine Are Needed

The HPV vaccine is given as a series of shots. ACIP specifies different dosing schedules, depending on the age when the vaccination series is started . Children who start the vaccine series before their 15th birthday need only two doses to be fully protected. People who start the series at age 15 or older and people who have certain conditions that weaken the immune system need three doses to be fully protected.

Researchers are currently investigating whether a single dose of HPV vaccine might be effective. See What research is being done on strategies to prevent HPV infection?

Any Side Effects Are Minor

The vaccine can cause a sore arm or sometimes flu-like symptoms, but they disappear after a day or so.

When you balance that against what youre preventing, its a pretty easy decision, Dr. Kung says.

There are anecdotal stories of serious reactions or deaths associated with the vaccine, but Dr. Kung says they usually have an underlying cause. This is not to trivialize such unfortunate events, but those are events that probably would have happened whether the person got the vaccine or not, says Dr. Kung. Continued monitoring of the vaccine after its approval adds to the conviction that its safe.

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The Hpv Vaccine: Why Parents Really Choose To Refuse

Study results suggest safety concerns top the list, and that physicians need to step up their patient education and vaccine recommendations

Researchers explain the reasons for why parents chose not to get their child vaccinated with the HPV vaccineCredit: Johns Hopkins Medicine

human papillomavirus

Top reasons why parents choose to refuse the HPV vaccine for their childrenCredit: Johns Hopkins Medicine

The findings, published in the November issue of the Journal of Adolescent Health, could help public health officials and professional societies develop new interventions to increase rates of HPV vaccination.

The HPV vaccine has already shown promise in helping to stem long-rising rates of cancers transmitted by the virus, including an estimated 31,500 cases in the United States annually of cancers of the cervix, vagina, vulva, oropharynx and anus. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the vaccinebeginning at age 9in 2006 for females and in 2009 for males. But it wasnt recommended for use in males until 2011 by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the group of medical experts that gives guidance on vaccines for the public. Worldwide studies have shown the vaccine to be virtually 100 percent effective and very safe, with the FDA concluding that the vast majority of side effects are minor, and that benefits continue to outweigh adverse events.

What Is The Hpv Vaccine

HBV Vaccine – Creative Biolabs

The HPV vaccine provides protection against 9 types of HPV that cause various cancers and genital warts. It protects against 7 types of HPV that cause about 90 percent of cervical cancers and several other cancers such as cancers of the vagina, vulva, anus, penis, mouth and throat. It also protects against 2 types of HPV that cause about 90 percent of cases of genital warts. The vaccine is provided as 2 doses given at least 6 months apart. For more information, see HealthLinkBC File #101b Human Papillomavirus Vaccines.

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Are There Other Ways To Prevent Cervical Cancer

Regular cervical cancer screening and follow-up can prevent most cases of cervical cancer. The Pap test can detect cell changes in the cervix before they turn into cancer. The HPV test looks for the virus that can cause these cell changes. Screening can detect most, but not all, cervical cancers at an early, treatable stage. Most women diagnosed with cervical cancer in the U.S. have either never been screened, or have not been screened in the last 5 years.

Stay Ahead Of Chickenpox

If you’ve avoided chickenpox so far, don’t push your luck. You can still get it by being in a room with someone who has it. Adults with chickenpox have a higher risk of complications, hospitalization, and death. For example, varicella pneumonia may be more severe in pregnant women and is a medical emergency. Untreated, almost half of pregnant women with varicella pneumonia die. Since chickenpox puts you at risk for shingles, chickenpox vaccine may offer some protection against shingles, too. It also reduces risk of infection in the community, especially among those who are susceptible but can’t be vaccinated, such as pregnant women. Two doses of the vaccine are administered four to eight weeks apart to people 13 and older.

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More Information On Side Effects

Reactions listed under âpossible side effectsâ or âadverse eventsâ on vaccine product information sheets may not all be directly linked to the vaccine. See Vaccine side effects and adverse reactions for more information on why this is the case.

If you are concerned about any reactions that occur after vaccination, consult your doctor. In the UK you can report suspected vaccine side effects to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency through the Yellow Card Scheme

How Has The Hpv Vaccination Programme Changed

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In July 2018, it was announced that the HPV vaccine would be extended to boys aged 12 to 13 years in England.

This decision was based on advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation , the independent body that advises UK health departments on immunisation.

Since the 2019 to 2020 school year, both 12- to 13-year-old boys and girls in school Year 8 have been eligible for the HPV vaccine.

The HPV vaccination programme has been extended to prevent more boys and girls getting HPV-related cancers, such as head and neck cancers and anal and genital cancers.

A catch-up programme for older boys is not necessary as evidence suggests they’re already benefiting greatly from the indirect protection that’s built up from 10 years of the girls’ HPV vaccination programme.

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The Hpv Vaccine And Men Who Have Sex With Men

The longstanding HPV vaccination programme in girls indirectly protects boys against cancers and genital warts linked to infection with HPV because girls will not pass HPV on to them.

MSM have not benefited in the same way from the girls’ HPV vaccination programme.

But they’re at risk of cancers linked to infection with HPV types 16 and 18 that affect men, such as cancer of the anus, penis, mouth or throat.

MSM are also at risk of genital warts caused by HPV types 6 and 11.

MSM up to and including the age of 45 are eligible for free HPV vaccination on the NHS when they visit sexual health or HIV clinics.

MSM aged 15 and over need 3 doses of the vaccine. Those under 15 need 2. It’s important to have all doses to be properly protected.

Ask the doctor or nurse at the clinic for more details.

How Well Do These Vaccines Work

HPV vaccination works extremely well. HPV vaccine has the potential to prevent more than 90% of HPV-attributable cancers.

  • Since HPV vaccination was first recommended in 2006, there has been a significant reduction in HPV infections.
  • Fewer teens and young adults are getting genital warts.
  • HPV vaccine has also reduced the number of cases of precancers of the cervix in young women.

With more than 12 years of data, we know that HPV vaccine offers long-lasting protection against HPV infection and HPV disease.

  • HPV vaccination does not lose the ability to protect against new HPV infections over time.

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How Do Hpv Vaccines Work

Like other immunizations that guard against viral infection, HPV vaccines stimulate the body to produce antibodies that, in future encounters with HPV, bind to the virus and prevent it from infecting cells.

The current HPV vaccines are based on virus-like particles that are formed by HPV surface components. VLPs are not infectious because they lack the viruss DNA. However, they closely resemble the natural virus, and antibodies against the VLPs also have activity against the natural virus. The VLPs have been found to be strongly immunogenic, which means that they induce high levels of antibody production by the body. This makes the vaccines highly effective.

The vaccines do not prevent other sexually transmitted diseases, nor do they treat existing HPV infections or HPV-caused disease.

Why Is Hpv Vaccination Important

FDA OKs HPV vaccine to age 45

The combination of HPV vaccination and cervical screening can provide the greatest protection against cervical cancer. Also, HPV vaccination reduces the risk of developing cancers caused by HPV at sites other than the cervix.

Not only does vaccination protect vaccinated individuals against infection by the HPV types targeted by the vaccine that is used , but vaccination can also reduce the prevalence of the vaccine-targeted HPV types in the population, thereby reducing infection in individuals who are not vaccinated . For example, in Australia, where a high proportion of girls are vaccinated with Gardasil, the incidence of genital warts went down during the first 4 years of the vaccination program among young maleswho were not being vaccinated at the timeas well as among young females .

Further evidence that large-scale HPV vaccination confers protection for unvaccinated individuals comes from a 2019 meta-analysis of girls-only HPV vaccination programs in 14 high-income countries that included 60 million vaccinated people . That analysis showed that, up to 8 years after the start of vaccination, diagnoses of anogenital warts decreased by 31% among women aged 2529 years, by 48% among boys aged 1519 years, and by 32% among men aged 2024 years, compared with the period before vaccination began.

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How Much Does The Hpv Vaccine Cost

Each dose of the vaccine can cost about $250. Luckily, many health insurance companies cover the HPV vaccine. There are also programs that help some people without insurance get the vaccine for low or no cost.

You deserve to be healthy, regardless of whether you have health insurance. Talk with the staff at your local Planned Parenthood health center or another nurse or doctor to get more information about ways to make the vaccine more affordable.

Don’t Flirt With Hepatitis

You can get one of the hepatitis viruses without knowing it. Risk factors for hepatitis A transmission include consuming contaminated food or water or men having sex with other men. An infected person can also spread it by not washing their hands after going to the bathroom. Hepatitis B can spread by contact with blood or body fluids of an infected person, such as during unprotected sex or use of others’ personal items, such as razors. Sharing needles with an infected person when injecting drugs can also spread hep B. Hepatitis, especially hepatitis B, can lead to serious liver damage and even death. Ask your doctor if you should get a hepatitis A or B vaccine.

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Hepatitis B Vaccine The Other Cancer Prevention Vaccine

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Anyone who follows or trolls my blog knows one thing I am a passionate supporter of the HPV anti-cancer vaccine, known as Gardasil. But I didnt want to ignore the hepatitis B vaccine, which is the other anti-cancer vaccine.

Recently, the CDC recommended a new hepatitis B vaccine for adults, and that prompted me to do something I havent really done talk about hepatitis B, liver cancer, and the hepatitis B vaccine. In some respects, hepatitis B is just as an important issue as HPV with respect to preventing cancer.

Remember, despite what you read on pseudoscience website or from anecdotes on the internet, there are really only a few ways to prevent cancer. Dont smoke. Dont drink alcohol. Stay out of the sun. Keep a very healthy weight. And get your HPV and hepatitis B vaccines.

Yes, getting these vaccines will be more useful to avoiding cancer than drinking delicious bananaalmond milk-blueberry smoothies. I know, that smoothie probably is more appetizing than getting poked by a sharp needle. It is possible that the smoothie could be part of a healthy diet which could contribute to maintaining a healthy weight. But it wont directly prevent cancer like the two vaccines.

As Ive mentioned many times, I think that Gardasil is one of the most hated vaccines that the CDC recommends. But to be honest, if you watch the anti-vaccine religion, you would know that the hepatitis B vaccine is way up there on the list of hatred.


Which Girls/women Should Receive Hpv Vaccination

What is a vaccine? How do they work?

HPV vaccination is recommended for 11 and 12 year-old girls. It is also recommended for girls and women age 13 through 26 years of age who have not yet been vaccinated or completed the vaccine series HPV vaccine can also be given to girls beginning at age 9 years. CDC recommends 11 to 12 year olds get two doses of HPV vaccine to protect against cancers caused by HPV. For more information on the recommendations, please see:

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How To Get Vaccinated Against Hepatitis B

All babies in the UK born on or after 1 August 2017 are given 3 doses of hepatitis B-containing vaccine as part of the NHS routine vaccination schedule. These doses are given at 8, 12 and 16 weeks of age.

Babies at high risk of developing hepatitis B infection from infected mothers are given additional doses of the hepatitis B vaccine at birth, 4 weeks and 1 year of age.

If you think you’re at risk and need the hepatitis B vaccine, ask your GP to vaccinate you, or visit any sexual health or genitourinary medicine clinic.

If your GP or nurse is unable to offer you the hepatitis B vaccine because of a temporary shortage in supply, you may need to wait longer for the vaccine. For more information, read What to do if you have to wait for a dose of hepatitis B vaccine .

If your job places you at risk of hepatitis B infection, it’s your employer’s responsibility to arrange vaccination for you, rather than your GP. Contact your occupational health department.

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