What Are The Best Home Remedies For Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a serious medical condition, consult your doctor before attempting any homeopathic remedies such as vitamins, supplements, or tinctures. Some home remedies could interfere with hepatitis C treatments or medication, so be sure you are following your recommended protocol, doses, and regimens.
Nutrition And Dietary Supplements
Although no special diets have been shown to help treat acute hepatitis, eating small snacks during the day, with larger ones in the morning, may be recommended to prevent weight loss and reduce nausea. Generally, eating a healthy diet, lots of fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants, can help most people who are battling a chronic disease.
DO NOT drink alcohol, especially if you have chronic hepatitis.
Tell your health care provider about any supplements you are thinking about taking.
Phyllanthus Niruri + Cassia Sophera
- Take a few fresh leaves of Phyllanthus Niruri
- Take a few fresh leaves of Cassia sophera
- Wash the leaves and grind them into a fine paste
- Swallow a teaspoon of this paste
- Wash it down with a glass of warm water
- Continue this process twice daily for 10 to 12 days
Phyllanthus Niruri is a tropical herb that is abundantly found in coastal areas. Commonly known as gale of the wind this herb has amazing curative properties and has been used in treating acute Hepatitis C infections successfully. It is rich in alkaloids, lignans, amarin, gernanin, corilagin and rutin. It has been used extensively for treating disorders of the liver and kidney.
It is a strong diuretic, astringent, carminative and natural laxative. Cassia sophera is an analgesic, anthelmintic and anticonvulsant. Phyllanthus niruri and Cassia sophera together make one of the best home remedies for Hepatitis C.
While Phyllanthus Niruri does not cause any adverse side effects, it is not recommended for pregnant women and for lactating mothers. Cassia sophera also does not cause any major side effects as long as the dosage is maintained correctly.
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Q : How Important Are Transaminases
An indicator of the liverâs functional status. Transaminases vary and are also influenced by different factors other than hepatitis. They can go up in case of fatigue, after anaesthesiaâ¦. The number is rarely identical from one blood test to the next. It is when the viral load is very high that transaminases increase significantly.
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What Is The Connection Between Hiv And Hbv
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , approximately 10% of people with HIV in the United States also have HBV. Infection with both HIV and HBV is called HIV/HBV coinfection.
Chronic HBV advances faster to cirrhosis, end-stage liver disease, and liver cancer in people with HIV/HBV coinfection than in people with only HBV infection. But chronic HBV doesnt appear to cause HIV to advance faster in people with HIV/HBV coinfection.
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Symptoms Of Hepatitis C
Most people who are recently infected with hepatitis C do not have symptoms.
Some people have yellowing of the skin that goes away. Chronic infection often causes no symptoms. But tiredness, skin disorders and other problems can occur. Persons who have long-term infection often have no symptoms until their liver becomes scarred .
Most people with this condition are ill and have many health problems.
The following symptoms may occur with hepatitis C infection:
- Pain in the right upper abdomen
- Abdominal swelling due to fluid
- Clay-colored or pale stools
Common medicines used include peginterferon and antiviral drugs. These medicines are aimed at:
- Helping the body get rid of the virus.
- Reducing the risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer, which can result from long-term HCV infection.
A liver transplant may be recommended for persons who develop cirrhosis and liver cancer. Your health care provider can tell you more about liver transplant.
Prognosis of Hepatitis C
Most people with hepatitis C infection have the chronic form.
The goal of treatment is to reduce the chance of liver damage and liver cancer. A good response to treatment occurs when the virus is no longer detected in the blood after treatment.
Prevention of Hepatitis C
Things that can be done to prevent the spread of hepatitis C from one person to another include:
Homeopathic treatment for Hepatitis C
Treatment mainly depends upon medical and general health condition of the patient.
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Natural Remedies That Help To Protect The Liver Of Hepatitis C Patients
Here are some strategies you can easily incorporate into your life that should greatly improve your outcome if you have hepatitis C:
As you can see, there are several dietary and lifestyle measures you can implement to significantly improve your chances of remaining healthy with hepatitis C. There is a great deal more information in my book Hepatitis and AIDS: How To Fight Them Naturally.
The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.
Murakami Y, Koyabu T, Kawashima A, Kakibuchi N, Kawakami T, Takaguchi K, Kita K, Okita M.Zinc supplementation prevents the increase of transaminase in chronic hepatitis C patientsduring combination therapy with pegylated interferon alpha-2b and ribavirin. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol. 2007 53:213-8
Abu-Mouch S, Fireman Z, Jarchovsky J, Zeina AR, Assy N. Vitamin D supplementationimproves sustained virologic response in chronic hepatitis C -naïve patients. WorldJ Gastroenterol. 2011 Dec 21 17:5184-90
Aman W, Mousa S, Shiha G, Mousa SA. Current status and future directions in themanagement of chronic hepatitis C. Virol J. 2012 9:57
El-Zayadi AR, Anis M. Hepatitis C virus induced insulin resistance impairs response to antiviraltherapy. World J Gastroenterol. 2012 Jan 21 18:212-24.
Homeopathy For Hepatitis C
Homeopathic medicine may not be the most popular alternative medical system in your area, but plenty of supporters exist. Especially for chronic Hepatitis C sufferers who did not respond to antiviral therapy, homeopathic remedies offer a potential jackpot for lowering viral load and relieving liver disease symptoms.
Experts agree that the use of homeopathy for Hepatitis C is best when advised by a trained professional. Some of the remedies that might be used for Hepatitis C include:
- China officinalis
Since the dosages and combinations of homeopathic remedies are highly dependent upon each individuals presentation, self-experimentation with these substances is not advised. Upon consulting with a reputable homeopath, remedies typically accompany crucial lifestyle recommendations.
If the law of similars and principle of dilutions resonates with you and you have access to a reputable homeopath, homeopathic medicine may be the key to managing Hepatitis C that you have been looking for.
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Screening Of A Kampo Library For Suppression Of Hepatitis B Virus Production
To identify anti-HBV Kampos, the INM Kampo library, containing 42 Kampo extracts, was first checked for cell toxicity. HepAD38.7 cells were treated with Kampo extracts, and cell viability was evaluated after 9 days of Kampo treatment . Among the 42 extracts, 41 resulted in > 80% viability . Then, the extracts without cytotoxicity were screened for their anti-HBV activity. HBV production was induced by removing tetracycline, and simultaneously, the cells were treated with or without Kampo extracts to evaluate the anti-HBV activity. Four of the 41 extracts suppressed extracellular HBV production in HepAD38.7 cells by > 25% . Since the maoto extract suppressed HBV production the most , we focused on the maoto extract for further investigation.
People with the following conditions may need a liver transplant:
- Life-threatening cirrhosis and life expectancy is more than 12 years
- Liver cancer that remains confined to the liver
- Fulminant acute hepatitis
Five year survival rate after liver transplantation is 60 to 80%. In about 50% of people with chronic hepatitis who receive a liver transplant, the infection recurs.
What Are The Names Of The Medications For Treating Hepatitis C
Since 2014, multiple different antiviral treatments for hepatitis C have been developed. With the many options now available, often there is more than one good choice for a patient. Some of the treatments are recommended as first-line options, some are second-line options, and others are used less commonly in light of all the available choices.
- Elbasvir/Grazoprevir
Second line hepatitis C medications:
- Sofosbuvir/Velpatasvir/Voxelaprevir
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What Are Hepatitis Cs Causes And Symptoms
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, per healthline.com, the hepatitis C virus is most commonly transferred from one person to another via the sharing of needles .
Using someone elses razor, toothbrush, and even nail clippers also carries a hepatitis C risk, although casual contact such as hugging, or holding or shaking hands, isnt believed to pass the virus from one person to another. Theres also about a 4 percent chance that a mother infected with hepatitis C will pass the virus on to her baby, per healthline.com.
If and when the hepatitis C virus becomes active in a persons body and the incubation period can be as long as 15 years, per ayushremedies.in symptoms can include the following, per livealittlelonger.com. Some of these can often be overlooked or rationalized away because they are also typical of the flu:
- Loss of appetite
- Other symptoms can include bruising or bleeding easily, diarrhea, joint pain, weight loss, itchy skin, and confusion.
If you suspect you have the disease, its vital that you see a doctor immediately for proper diagnosis and a plan for treatment and prescription medications , if needed. A simple blood test can tell you if you have hepatitis C.
If caught early enough, any related damage to your liver which happens to be your bodys biggest gland, per ayushremedies.in is reversible. Its also important to know that hepatitis C is the leading cause of liver cancer, per draxe.com.
How Homeopathy Can Help Treat Acute Liver Diseases
Pintrest-By Dr. Kushal Banerjee, M.D. , M.Sc. DISCLAIMER: THIS ARTICLE DOES NOT PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICEThe information contained in this article is for informational purposes only. The purpose of this article is to promote a broader understanding of homeopathy in the treatment of various health conditions. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article.
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Natural Remedies For Hepatitis C
- Hepatitis can benefit from dietary modifications, use of certain ayurvedic herbs and simple lifestyle modifications.
- Herbal therapies have been studied and shown to provide benefits to liver functions, such as the use of turmeric, Guduchi , Musta , Bhringaraj , Haritaki , pippali , licorice etc. These herbs are believed to relieve symptoms of hepatitis due to their anti-inflammatory properties.
- Yoga postures can be practiced for those who are strong enough to perform them. The yogic postures are believed to boost the immune system and strengthen the liver. Some of these asanas are: Vajraasana , Shalabhasana , Halasana , Padahastasana , Savasana etc.
- Homeopathic treatments in hepatitis treatment have been studied by very few researchers, but nevertheless, a few remedies that a homeopath may prescribe in hepatitis treatment are as follows:
What Is Hepatitis C
Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver.
Hepatitis C is a contagious liver disease that ranges in severity from a mild illness lasting a few weeks to a serious, lifelong illness that attacks the liver.
It results from infection with the Hepatitis C virus , which is spread primarily through contact with the blood of an infected person. Hepatitis C can be either acute or chronic.
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How To Beat Hep C Naturally
Hepatitis C, or Hep C, is a viral infection. An estimated 58 million people have a chronic Hep C infection, meaning it has persisted beyond six months and it has become an ongoing problem.
Hep C, which results in the inflammation of the liver, is also dangerous because it is not usually detected until later stages because there are usually no early symptoms.
This can cause concern as many people have died from Hep C, which is a curable and preventable disease.
Since Hep C is a bloodborne virus, most exposure to Hep C comes from drug use through injections, unsafe health care, unsafe sexual practices, and unscreened blood transfusions.
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Individuals with Hep C usually display the following:
- Yellow Skin and Eyes
There are antiviral medications that can cure over 95% of those with Hep C. But there are treatments in recent years that are easier on the body, including natural remedies and therapies.
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Natural Treatment For Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C is a serious viral disease that can lead to permanent liver damage. And the conventional drug treatment is not particularly fun, nor always successful. Fortunately, there are a number of vitamins and herbs that can help. As a bonus, anything that helps with hepatitis C by definition supports the liver, so the supplement program outlined here can actually be used by anyonewhether or not you have hepatitis Cinterested in improving overall liver health.
The single best thing you can do if youve got any form of liver disease: stop drinking. Completely. No kidding. Alcohol puts a strain on your liver that isnt so bad if its healthy, but is lethal if its not.
You should also stop taking any products containing acetaminophen, which is the number one cause of emergency room visits for liver failure. Imagine the common scenario of drinking too much and taking Tylenol to treat the hangover. If youve got hepatitis C and you do that, youre essentially asking to be a statistic.
I first learned about this natural treatment from Burt Berkson, MD, PhD. In a published paper, he suggested a basic protocol of three supplements to protect the liver from free-radical damage, increase the levels of other fundamental antioxidants, and interfere with viral proliferation. This protocol is the core of the natural treatment for hepatitis C.
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Herbal Remedies And Supplements
Many people are interested in using herbal remedies or supplements to boost their immune systems and help their livers. The problem though is that there is no regulation of companies manufacturing these produces, which means there is no rigorous testing for safety or purity. So the quality of the herbal remedy or vitamin supplement may be different from bottle to bottle. Also some herbal remedies could interfere with your prescription drugs for hepatitis B or other conditions some can even actually damage your liver.
There are many companies that make false promises on the Internet and through social media about their products. Online claims and patient testimonials on Facebook are fake and are used to trick people into buying expensive herbal remedies and supplements. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, then its probably not true.
Below are reliable sources of information about herbs and alternative medicines. This information is based on scientific evidence, not false promises. Check whether the active ingredients in your herbal remedies or supplements are real and if it safe for your liver. The most important thing is to protect your liver from any additional injury or harm.
U.S. National Institutes of Health National Center for Complementary Medicine and Integrative Health
Natural Remedies That Wont Cure Your Hepatitis C
With new drugs that are too expensive and old ones with severe side effects, some people are looking into alternative treatments.
While drugs to treat a viral hepatitis C infection of the liver are better now than ever, because of their cost, they remain out of reach for many.
The new medications Sovaldi , Olysio , Harvoni , and Viekira Pak are highly effective. But one 12-week course can cost more than $94,000. This is a problem for people with and without insurance, because some insurance companies wont pay, says Nikroo Hashemi, MD, a hepatologist at Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston.
Some people who cant afford the newer medications may use the older-generation treatment a combination of pegylated interferon and the antiviral drug ribavirin but its much less effective than the newer drugs. Interferon often comes with a host of difficult side effects, like anemia, kidney failure, and fatigue, Hashemi says.
For these reasons, many people with hepatitis C turn to alternative treatments.
When considering alternative treatments like herbs, vitamins, teas, or yoga for hepatitis C, its totally reasonable to look into all of these, but they should be assessed carefully, says Christopher Moore, MD, a hepatologist and assistant professor in gastroenterology at Northwestern Medicine in Chicago.
Heres a rundown of things you should know about five types of popular non-traditional therapies for hepatitis C.
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