Friday, April 26, 2024

Hepatitis B Symptoms In Males

Hepatitis B Testing And Diagnosis

What are the early signs and symptoms of Hepatitis B & C? | Apollo Hospitals

Its essential to receive a laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis. A number of effective tests are available to diagnose hepatitis B and monitor the condition of infected people. The tests can be used to distinguish chronic and acute infections.

Detection of Anti-HBs by using test cassette, the result showed positive

They involve blood or serum tests that detect either antibodies or vial antigens. Laboratory diagnosis of the infection screens the detection of the surface antigen HBsAg. Acute hepatitis B infection is characterized by the presence of this surface antigen and immunoglobulin M antibody to the core antigen. Chronic infection is diagnosed if HBsAg persists for 6 months. Persistence of the surface antigen HBsAg is the major marker of risk for liver cancer and a chronic disease later in life. Follow-up tests are necessary to detect if the disease has gone. Interpretation of the tests for detection of HBV is complex. The results need to be carefully discussed with health care professionals.

How Is Hepatitis C Spread

Hepatitis C is spread through contact with the blood of someone who has Hepatitis C, mainly through sharing needles, syringes, or other injection drug equipment. Hepatitis C can also be spread when getting tattoos and body piercings in casual places or with non-sterile instruments. Although uncommon, Hepatitis C can also be spread through sexual contact. Having a sexually transmitted disease or HIV, sex with multiple partners, or rough sex can raise a persons chance of getting Hepatitis C.

Universal Hepatitis B Vaccination Recommended In Adults 19 To 59 Years

The Centers for Disease Control and Preventions Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices now recommends universal hepatitis B vaccination in all adults ages 19 to 59 years.

Previously, a risk factor assessment was recommended to determine vaccine eligibility in this age group. While hepatitis B vaccines have demonstrated safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy over the past four decades, vaccination rates in the US have been suboptimal. The removal of the risk factor assessment in this age group is hoped to increase vaccination coverage and decrease cases of hepatitis B infection.

A risk factor assessment is still recommended for adults 60 years of age and older. However, adults in this age group without known risk factors may still be offered hepatitis B vaccination.

Nearly two million people are estimated to be living with chronic hepatitis B infection in the US. A total of 3192 cases of acute hepatitis B infection were reported in 2019, corresponding to an estimated 20,700 acute infections. The most commonly reported risk behaviors and exposures were injection drug use, multiple sex partners, and surgery, followed by other sexual and bloodborne risk behaviors.

The new recommendations are reflected in the Centers for Disease Control and Preventions updated 2022 immunization schedule.

Recommended Reading: Hepatitis C Antibody W/reflex To Pcr

What Should You Know About Hepatitis B Before You Travel

Hepatitis B is quite common in China and other Asian countries, where as many as 1 in 12 people have the virus, though many dont know it. Before traveling to those places, you should make sure youve been vaccinated against the virus.

In addition to getting the vaccine, you can take these additional precautions to reduce your risk of contracting the virus:

  • Refrain from taking illegal drugs.
  • Always use latex or polyurethane condoms during sex.
  • Make sure new, sterile needles are used during all piercings, tattoos and acupuncture sessions.
  • Avoid direct contact with blood and bodily fluids.
  • Know the HBV status of all your sexual partners.
  • Ask your doctor about possible vaccination before you travel to a place where hepatitis B is common.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Hepatitis B is a liver disease that can cause serious damage to your health. One reason that is dangerous is that it can easily go undetected for years while damaging your liver. Talk with your healthcare provider about being tested for hepatitis B if you have any reason to believe that you were not vaccinated or if you have engaged in risky behavior. If you do test positive, follow the directions from your healthcare provider so that you can live a longer, healthier and happier life.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 07/09/2020.


Prevention Of Acute Hepatitis B

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Patients should be advised to avoid high-risk behavior .

Blood and other body fluids are considered infectious. Spills should be cleaned up using dilute bleach. Barrier protection is recommended, but isolation of patients is of no value.

Posttransfusion infection is minimized by avoiding unnecessary transfusions and screening all donors for hepatitis B and C. Screening has decreased the incidence of posttransfusion hepatitis B and hepatitis C, which are now extremely rare in the US.

Read Also: What Are Some Symptoms Of Hepatitis

What Is The Treatment For Stds In Men

STDs caused by bacteria Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis are typically curable with antibiotics. Trichomoniasis can be cured with effective medications that eliminate the parasite.

Viral STDs may resolve on their own, such as HPV infection. There is no treatment for HPV infection, although it commonly does not cause problems. Genital warts can be treated by destruction and removal. HBV and, to a greater extent, HCV infections may persist and develop into chronic infection. Antiviral drugs and interferon may be used to manage these long-term infections, but they do not cure the infection. Likewise, HIV treatment drugs can manage the infection, but they do not cure the it. HSV infection persists for life, although antiviral drugs can help reduce the severity and frequency of outbreaks.

Syphilis has four different phases:

  • swollen lymph nodes in the area near the sore

Symptoms of secondary syphilis may include:

  • a skin rash that doesnt itch, commonly found over the body that includes the palms of the hands or soles of the feet

How To Treat Hepatitis A

The spread of Hepatitis A can be usually stopped by maintaining good hygiene, and having clean water.

Plenty of hospitals today in America have made it important to have a vaccination of Hepatitis A, but in case you dont have one, you can ask from the same to your healthcare provider.

You can call us on the number mentioned or book online with us for a Hepatitis A check or a panel check. We maintain a strong confidentiality agreement with our patients and have adopted minimalist paperwork.

In case you feel you have Hepatitis A, then you can connect with us, and then we can assist you with a proper consultation, checkup and prescriptions followed by other necessary steps. Please avoid any home remedies and usage of over the counter products for Hepatitis A.

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What Are The Side Effects Of Treatments For Hepatitis C Infection

Side effects of interferon or pegylated interferon

  • The most common side effects of interferon or pegylated interferon include fever, flu-like symptoms, and depression. Patients must be monitored closely for depression. Risk of suicide is a reason to avoid interferons.
  • Interferons also reduce white blood cell and/or red blood cell counts . This may cause increased susceptibility to infection. Interferons also increase the risk of certain cancers. Death rarely occurs as a result of therapy, but may occur from progression of liver failure in patients with advanced cirrhosis.

Side effects of ribavirin

  • Ribavirin most commonly causes anemia due to destruction of red blood cells . This can be severe enough that people with heart disease may suffer a heart attack from insufficient blood flow, so people with heart disease should not receive this drug. Anemia improves with a reduction in the dose of ribavirin. Injected growth factor that stimulates the production of red blood cells often is used to improve the anemia associated with ribavirin. Ribavirin also accumulates in the testicles and ovaries and causes birth defects in animals. Although no birth defects have been reported in humans, both men and women should use contraceptive measures to avoid pregnancy during and for at least six months after ribavirin treatment.

Side effects of DAAs

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Chronic Symptoms Of Hepatitis C

What is Hepatitis B? Signs, Symptoms, #Hepatitis Transmission and How to get #Tested

If the viral load does not clear itself after a bout of acute hepatitis C, the disease may progress and become more chronic. Research shows that men proceed to scarring of the liver 39 percent faster than women, and about 73.6 of the cases of cirrhosis in the U.S. occur in men . It is theorized that estrogen has a protective effect in women as the incidence of HCV increases in women after menopause.

If the acute phase of HCV progresses, symptoms may be found such as:

  • Yellowing of the eyes and skin
  • Clay-colored stools
  • Cognitive impairment

Many individuals are asymptomatic with chronic infection, which is predominately why 85% of the population does not know they even have the disease in the U.S. . It is estimated that chronic infection will develop in 89% of men and 63.4% of women. Treatment responses are similar between the sexes.

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Immunisation For Hepatitis B

Immunisation is the best protection against hepatitis B infection. A course of vaccination is recommended for all babies and people in high-risk groups.

Immunisation can be with a vaccine against hepatitis B alone or with a combination vaccine. To be immunised, contact your doctor or local council.

Protection against hepatitis B is available free of charge under the National Immunisation Program Schedule. In Victoria, immunisation against hepatitis B is free for:

  • Babies at birth immunisation against hepatitis B alone as soon as possible after birth.
  • Babies at 2, 4 and 6 months combination immunisation in the form of a diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, hepatitis B, polio and Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine .
  • Premature babies at 12 months premature babies born under 32 weeks gestation or under 2,000g birth weight receive a single booster dose.
  • Children up to and including 9 years of age.
  • People aged less than 20 years having a catch-up immunisation.
  • Refugees and humanitarian entrants aged 20 years and above.

In Victoria, free hepatitis B vaccine is provided for people who are at increased risk of infection, including:

Immunisation is also recommended, but not necessarily free, for people who are at increased risk of infection, including:

Special Considerations During Immunosuppressive Therapy

With immunosuppressive therapy, both in the context of malignancy and rheumatologic/autoimmune diseases, reactivation of HBV infection can occur. HBV reactivation in HIV-negative people with HBsAg-positive/anti HBc-positive disease receiving immunomodulatory therapy is well described.147,148 Even among people with HBsAg-negative/anti-HBc-positive disease, HBV reactivation occurs in 8% to 18% of people receiving anti-cancer drugs149 and 1.7% of people receiving rheumatologic disease drugs.150

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Hepatitis B And Pregnancy

If youre pregnant and have hepatitis B, you can potentially pass the infection to your baby. If not properly treated at birth, babies born to mothers with hepatitis B have greater than a 90% chance of developing chronic hepatitis B.8

Knowing your hepatitis B status helps protect your child against lifelong infection and potentially serious problems, like liver disease and cancer. Thats why the CDC recommends all pregnant women get tested for hepatitis B early on in their pregnancy.

How Do You Prevent Spreading Hepatitis B to Your Baby?

If you test positive for hepatitis B, its important to communicate your status to your healthcare provider. Steps can be taken to prevent hepatitis B transmission to your baby. As recommended by the CDC, two shots should be given to the newborn within the first 12 hours of life :8-9

  • The first dose of hepatitis B vaccine
  • One dose of the hepatitis B immunoglobulin

In some cases, a doctor may prescribe oral antivirals in the third trimester to reduce the risk of transmission.

How Can You Avoid Hepatitis B

Hepatitis C Symptoms

Getting the vaccine for hepatitis B is the best way toprevent hepatitis B. The hepatitis B vaccine is safe andeffective. It is usually given as 3-4 shots over a 6-monthperiod. You will not get hepatitis B from the vaccine.Ask your health care provider if you should get thisvaccine. It is recommended for:

  • All infants, starting with the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine at birth
  • Everyone under the age of 19 who has not been vaccinated
  • People whose sex partners have hepatitis B
  • Sexually active people who are not in a long-term, faithful relationship
  • People with a sexually transmitted disease
  • People who share needles, syringes, or other drug-injection equipment
  • People who have close household contact with someone infected with the hepatitis B virus
  • Health care and public safety workers at risk for exposure to blood or body fluids on the job
  • People with kidney disease. This includes all those on dialysis and those being considered for dialysis.
  • Adults with diabetes
    • Before oral sex
  • Have sex with only one partner who does not have sex with others and does not have hepatitis B.
  • Know that other forms of birth control do not protect against hepatitis B.
  • Not using or injecting drugs.
  • Not reusing or sharing syringes, or drug equipment .
  • Wear gloves if you have to touch another person’s blood.
  • Do not use another person’s toothbrush, razor, nail clippers or any other item that might have even a tiny bit of blood on it.

    For more information, see Safer Sex.

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    How Do I Know If I Have Hepatitis C

    If youre concerned you might have been exposed to HCV, talk with a doctor. They can run blood tests to determine whether you have hepatitis C.

    You dont necessarily need to wait for symptoms to have a hepatitis C test. Contact a doctor if you think youre at a risk of hepatitis C.

    A doctor may also perform a biopsy of your liver. This means theyll use a needle to remove a small piece of your liver for testing in a lab. A biopsy can help doctors see the condition of the liver.

    Take Charge Of Your Health

    Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection that is manageable when caught in the first six months. It can be contracted through sexual activities, infected blood or sharing needles. Approximately 70% of cases are symptomless, so get tested if you may have been exposed.

    or call 1-800-456-2323 or start a Live Chat

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    Your Risk For Serious Hep C Complications Increases After Menopause

    One thing many people dont realize about hepatitis C is that menopause can affect the infection. Estrogen may play a role in reducing how quickly the virus replicates, which can help protect you from liver damage and other issues associated with a chronic hep C infection. However, when estrogen levels drop during menopause, this can lead to a quick worsening of your condition. Hepatitis C typically progresses slower in pre-menopausal women than men, but once you reach menopause, you can see a rapid progression in symptoms and liver damage. So, consider scheduling a hep C test before you reach menopause. This way, you can seek treatment before your natural estrogen levels decrease.

    What Tests Can Our Womens Health Care Providers Run To Detect Hepatitis C

    Hepatitis B – Easy Explained Symptoms, causes, treatment

    Many women actually discover that they have hepatitis C after normal blood work during an annual checkup. The blood work may show high levels of liver enzymes, which typically point to inflammation in the liver. If your doctor suspects this may be due to hepatitis C, they may recommend a hepatitis c virus antibody test to see if there are antibodies to the virus in your blood.

    Current recommendations are that all adults should be tested at least once in their lifetime. Experts also recommend pregnant women and people with higher risk factors should also be tested for hepatitis c. Talk to our womens health care providers about your health and whether you need to get tested for hep C.

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    How Do You Know If You Have Hepatitis B

    The only way to know if you have hepatitis B is bya medical exam. There are several blood tests yourhealth care provider can use to diagnose hepatitis B.These tests can tell you:

    • If it is an acute or a chronic infection
    • If you have recovered from infection
    • If you are immune to hepatitis B
    • If you could benefit from vaccination

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    Early Warning Signs Of Hepatitis C

    When it comes to treatable diseases and conditions, it is important to diagnose them at the right time. Diagnosing diseases in the nascent stages can provide the individual multiple treatment options and even increase the chances of survival.

    One such disease is Hepatitis C. Hepatitis C is a viral infection that can cause inflammation in the liver and can cause permanent damage to the bodys organs. Hepatitis C manifests in two stages: acute hepatitis and chronic hepatitis. Acute hepatitis is the early stage of the disease, where individuals often experience a lack of signs and symptoms. Here are a few early signs and symptoms that should help you keep an eye out and get tested and diagnosed at the right time.

    Other common and early signs of hepatitis C may include nausea and even vomiting. In the second or chronic stage of hepatitis C, individuals may experience easy bleeding, bruising, poor appetite, a buildup of fluid in their abdomen, swelling in the legs and feet, unintentional loss of weight, confusion, spider angiomas, causing spider-like veins and blood vessels on your skin, and even drowsiness along with slurred speech.

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    What Are Signs Of Hepatitis B

    When you first get hepatitis B, it is called acutehepatitis B. Most adults who have hepatitis B willrecover on their own. However, children and someadults can develop chronic hepatitis B.

    Acute hepatitis B: Signs of acute hepatitis B canappear within 3 months after you get the virus.These signs may last from several weeks to 6 months.Up to 50% of adults have signs of acute hepatitis Bvirus infection. Many young children do not show anysigns. Signs include:

    • Yellow skin or eyes
    • A longer than normal amount of time for bleedingto stop

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