Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Is Hepatitis C Passed Sexually

How It’s Passed On

How is Hepatitis B & C transmitted? | Apollo Hospitals

Most people get the virus from sharing drug injecting equipment such as needles, syringes, water cups, tourniquets, spoons, filters and swabs. Sharing things like straws and banknotes that are used for snorting drugs might pass the virus on, as can sharing pipes.

In the UK piercing and tattooing should be safe but unsterilised equipment abroad can spread the virus.

An infected person risks infecting others if they share anything that might have blood on it like a toothbrush or razor. A pregnant woman with the virus can give it to her baby during pregnancy or childbirth.

Blood transfusions in the UK are safe as blood is screened.

You can also potentially get it from medical or dental treatment abroad in countries where hepatitis C is common and infection control is inadequate.

What Is Hepatitis C

The term hepatitis means an inflammation of the liver. The inflammation may damage the liver, which is the largest internal organ in the body. The liver filters the blood and breaks down harmful substances.

Infection with a virus is the most common cause of hepatitis. If a person contracts HCV, the disease is called hepatitis C, or hep C for short.

Hepatitis A and hepatitis B are other types of hepatitis that result from viral infection. Hepatitis A, B, and C differ in the way they spread, their effect on the liver, and their method of treatment, according to the

HCV causes hepatitis C. A person may contract HCV by coming into contact with the blood of someone else who has the condition. Even microscopic amounts of blood may be enough to spread the virus.

In the United States, the way for someone to contract hepatitis C is by sharing drug-injection equipment, such as needles or syringes.

According to the , other ways a person may contract hepatitis C include:

  • coming into contact with the open sores or blood of a person with the condition
  • using the toothbrush, nail clippers, or razor of a person with the condition
  • getting a tattoo or piercing with non-sterile instruments or inks
  • getting an accidental stick with a needle from someone with hepatitis C

About 6% of babies born to people with hepatitis C will develop hepatitis C.

Sometimes an individual will experience symptoms 13 months after contracting HCV, according to

The Types Of Viral Hepatitis

There are five main types of viral hepatitis known as hepatitis A , hepatitis B , hepatitis C , hepatitis D , and hepatitis E . That said, there have been cases of acute hepatitis that could not be attributed to one of these five types of hepatitis viruses, alcohol, drugs, or autoimmune disease, which lead researchers to try to find another cause.

Though the etiology of these viruses have not yet been fully established, researchers have identified three other types of viral hepatitis , which they have named hepatitis F , hepatitis G , and transfusions transmitted virus . As relatively new diseases and viral discoveries, information about them and how they work is relatively scarce. We do know, however, that cases of TTV have only been associated with hepatitis in people who have had a blood transfusion.

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Recommendations For Service Providers

Integrate hepatitis C education into existing sexual health and HIV services for gbMSM:

  • Know hepatitis C risk factors. Educate gbMSM about the sexual transmission of hepatitis C. Encourage gbMSM having sex that could lead to hepatitis C to:
  • use a new condom for each partner, including on sex toys
  • use a new glove for each partner when fisting
  • use individual lube containers and regularly apply lube
  • For gbMSM who party and play, know where to refer themto harm reduction services such as needle and syringe programs if they are using drugs.
  • Encourage gbMSM who party and play to use new injection drug use equipment every time and to use their own drug use equipment for smoking and snorting drugs.
  • Educate about re-infection. For gbMSM who have had hepatitis C and may be exposed to the hepatitis C virus again, let them know they can be re-infected. Share prevention information, strategies and resources. Encourage routine hepatitis C RNA screening for re-infection every 612 months.
  • Know where to refer gbMSM to get testedfor hepatitis C. Encourage gbMSM who may be exposed to hepatitis C to get tested regularly for hepatitis C as a part of routine STI screening. Let them know there is highly effective treatment to cure hepatitis C.
  • Integrate hepatitis C testing services into existing sexual health and HIV services:

    Integrate sexual health and harm reduction services and programs to support gbMSM:


  • Page EE, Nelson M. Hepatitis C and sex. Clinical Medicine . 2016 16:189-92.
  • Q: What Are The Chances Of A Person Becoming Chronically Infected Or Dying From Hepatitis C

    Hepatitis C

    A: Some people with hepatitis C infection develop a long-term infection, chronic liver disease, cirrhosis , or liver cancer. Many people live decades with the virus and die of other causes unrelated to liver disease.

    Of every 100 persons infected with hepatitis C about:

    • 85 persons may develop long-term infection
    • 70 persons may develop chronic liver disease
    • 15 persons may develop cirrhosis over 20-30 years or longer
    • 5 persons may die from liver cancer or cirrhosis

    Don’t Miss: What Is Hepatitis C And Is It Contagious

    Blood Transfusion/receipt Of Blood Products

    Early case-control studies of patients with newly acquired, symptomatic non-A, non-B hepatitis found a significant association between disease acquisition and a history six months prior to illness of blood transfusions, injection drug use, health care employment with frequent exposure to blood, personal contact with others who had hepatitis, multiple sexual partners or low socioeconomic status. Today, HCV is rarely transmitted by blood transfusion or transplantation of organs due to thorough screening of the blood supply for the presence of the virus and inactivation procedures that destroy bloodborne viruses. In the last several years, blood banks have instituted techniques that utilize nucleic acid amplification of the hepatitis C virus, which will detect the presence of virus even in newly-infected patients who are still hepatitis C antibody-negative. These techniques are estimated to have prevented 56 transfusion-associated HCV infections per year in the U.S. since 1999, and have lowered the current risk of acquiring HCV via transfused blood products to 1 in 2 million.

    Can A Woman Get Hep C From A Man

    Articles On Hep C and Sex The risk of getting hepatitis C through sex is low, but it is possible. Without using condoms, the following situations increase your risk of getting hepatitis C from sex: If you or your partner have HIV or another sexually transmitted disease. Have multiple sexual partners.

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    Why Should I Get Treated

    Hepatitis C can be fatal when left untreated.

    Untreated hepatitis C can lead to scarring of the liver known as cirrhosis.

    A small number of people with cirrhosis will go on to get liver failure, the only treatment for which is a liver transplant. A small proportion of people with cirrhosis develop liver cancer.

    Is Hepatitis A A Sexually Transmitted Disease

    NY Cures Hep C Campaign: âLearn about Hepatitis C Transmission and Preventionâ? Animated Video

    by ShawnPublished on April 8, 2020Updated on June 15, 2020

    While hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, all cause liver inflammation, they are different diseases caused by different viruses. The latter two may be sexually transmitted, but hepatitis A is typically not considered an STD. For this reason, people often wonder if hepatitis A is sexually transmitted at all. And if not, how is it passed from one person to another? All great questions, but to answer them, well need to start with the basics.

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    For Safer Sex Treat Hepatitis C

    If you have chronic hepatitis C, you can lower your odds of spreading the virus by seeking medical treatment. Direct-acting antiviral medications can cure more than 90 percent of hepatitis C cases with eight to 12 weeks of treatment, according to the CDC. These newer hepatitis C treatments are not only effective but also generally have fewer, much less severe side effects than previous drugs.

    Just be aware that during treatment, transmission can still occur. And a cure doesnt grant you protection against the virus for life. If you continue to engage in high-risk behavior, you can get reinfected, warns Kenneth Sherman, MD, PhD, a professor of medicine and the director of the division of digestive diseases at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.

    Who Gets Hepatitis C

    Persons at highest risk for HCV infection include:

    • persons who ever injected illegal drugs, including those who injected once or a few times many years ago,
    • people who had blood transfusions, blood products or organ donations before June 1992, when sensitive tests for HCV were introduced for blood screening, and
    • persons who received clotting factors made before 1987.

    Other persons at risk for hepatitis C include:

    • long-term kidney dialysis patients,
    • health care workers after exposures to the blood of an infected person while on the job,
    • infants born to HCV-infected mothers,
    • people with high-risk sexual behavior, multiple partners and sexually transmitted diseases,
    • people who snort cocaine using shared equipment, and
    • people who have shared toothbrushes, razors and other personal items with a family member who is HCV-infected.

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    Is Hepatitis A Sexually Transmitted Disease

    Robert Burakoff, MD, MPH, is board-certified in gastroentrology. He is the vice chair for ambulatory services for the department of medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, where he is also a professor. He was the founding editor and co-editor in chief of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.

    Some types of viral hepatitis can be transmitted through sexual contact, in addition to being transmitted via other routes. Each type of hepatitis virus has a different risk of being transmitted through sex.

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    What Are The Symptoms And Consequences Of Infection

    The Viral Time Bomb: Hepatitis C

    Approximately 20 percent of persons exposed to the virus develop symptoms which may include jaundice , fatigue, dark-colored urine, stomach pain, loss of appetite and nausea. After the initial infection, 15-25 percent will recover and 75-85 percent will become chronically infected . Approximately 70 percent of persons chronically infected may develop liver disease, sometimes decades after initial infection.

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    Enteric Routes: Transmission Of Hepatitis A And Hepatitis E

    The Hepatitis A and hepatitis E viruses are both transmitted by enteric, that is digestive or by fecal, routes. This is also known as the fecal-oral route. To be exposed to these viruses, you must ingest fecal matter that is infected with the virus. While there are several ways in which this fecal-oral route can be established, poor hygiene and poor sanitary conditions in some countries lead to higher rates of infection of these viruses.

    As a result, some areas of the world, like India, Bangladesh, and Central and South America, are particularly prone to the hepatitis E virus. About one-third of people in the United States have been exposed to the hepatitis A virus.

    It is believed that the hepatitis F virus may also be spread by enteric routes.

    How Do You Prevent Hepatitis

    Both hepatitis A and hepatitis B can be prevented with a vaccine. There is currently no vaccine available to prevent hepatitis C.

    To prevent spreading or getting hepatitis A:

    • Wash hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds after using the bathroom, changing diapers, touching garbage or dirty clothes, and before preparing food and eating
    • Follow guidelines for food safety
    • Avoid unpasteurized milk or foods made with it
    • Thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables before eating
    • Keep the refrigerator colder than 40°F and the freezer below 0°F
    • Cook meat and seafood until well done
    • Cook egg yolks until firm
    • Wash hands, knives, and cutting boards after contact with raw food

    To prevent spreading or getting hepatitis B or hepatitis C:

    • Practice safe sex and use a latex condom each time you have sex
    • Dont share razors, toothbrushes, or any personal objects that might have blood on them
    • Dont share needles or syringes
    • Cover cuts and open sores with bandages
    • Clean blood off of things with a mixture of bleach and water: use 9 parts bleach to one-part water

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    Is Hepatitis Testing Recommended For People With Hiv

    Yes. Everyone with HIV should be tested for HBV and HCV when they are first diagnosed with HIV and begin treatment. People with HIV who have ongoing risk factors for getting hepatitis B or hepatitis C should be tested annually.

    In addition, HCV screening recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention call for:

    • One-time screening for all adults 18 years and older
    • Screening of all pregnant women during every pregnancy
    • Testing for all persons with risk factors, with testing continued periodic testing those with ongoing risk.

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    Q: If I Don’t Have Insurance Where Can I Go For Testing Counseling And Treatment

    What is Hepatitis B and C? – Dr. Eva Urtasun Sotil

    A: The Texas Department of State Health Services will begin offering counseling and testing in the fall of 2000 in select sites. The state and local public health departments do not have funding for treatment at this time.

    If you don’t have insurance, check with your local health department, local support groups, or other resources. The DSHS website also offers a listing of helpful resources.

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    Sexual Transmission And Hepatitis B

    Hepatitis B can be transmitted through sexual activity. Unvaccinated adults who have multiple sex partners, along with sex partners of people with chronic hepatitis B infection, are at increased risk for transmission. Injection-drug use and sexual contact are other common modes of hepatitis B transmission in the United States.

    Among adults seeking treatment in STD clinics, as many as 10%40% have evidence of past or current hepatitis B virus infection. Many of these infections could have been prevented through universal vaccination during delivery of STD prevention or treatment services. Offering vaccination to all adults as part of routine prevention services in STD treatment facilities has been demonstrated to increase vaccination coverage among adults at risk for hepatitis B infection, as the behavioral risk factors for STDs and hepatitis B are similar.

    Building Healthy Sexual Relationships

    Rule number one for a healthy sexual relationship: Be open and honest. I believe in transparency, says Talal. This conversation can be difficult, but its important to have. Part of discussing your status is talking about what exposure you may have had to hepatitis C, even in the distant past.

    Its a good opportunity for you to share both your sexual history and your past experiences with other ways the virus can be transmitted, such as injecting drugs or being exposed to items that may have infected blood on them, including needles, razors, and toothbrushes.

    Dr. Sherman explains that even if you consistently use condoms during sex, other activities, such as sharing needles or straws to inject or snort drugs, increase your risk of spreading hepatitis C. People do not want to hear about this, he says. Its difficult to get the word out about risk.

    If you and your partner find that hepatitis C is disrupting your relationship or sex life, you might also want to consider working with a marriage and family therapist or sex therapist.

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    Can You Get Hepatitis C By Having Sex The Sexual Transmission Of Hepatitis C Among Gay And Bisexual Men And Other Men Who Have Sex With Men

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    Hepatitis C is not commonly considered a sexually transmitted infection it is usually passed through blood-to-blood contact. However, the sexual transmission of hepatitis C is an increasing concern among some gay and bisexual men and other men who have sex with men . Over the past two decades, sexual transmission of hepatitis C has predominantly occurred among gbMSM living with HIV. Recently a small but increasing number of HIV-negative gbMSM have been getting hepatitis C. This article reviews how hepatitis C is passed sexually, the types of sex where it can be passed and the rates of hepatitis C sexual transmission among gbMSM. It also includes strategies to reduce the likelihood of sexual transmission and recommendations for service providers working with gbMSM.

    Hepatitis C Symptoms And Treatment

    Hepatitis C Virus: Signs, Symptoms, and Complications

    The virus is usually passed on through using contaminated needles and syringes or other items with infected blood on them. It can also be passed on through unprotected sex, especially when blood is present.

    It often has no noticeable symptoms. Some peoples bodies can clear the infection on their own but others may develop chronic hepatitis C and will need to take antiviral treatment to cure the infection and prevent liver damage.

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    Hepatitis C Is It Sexually Transmitted

    Footnote *Fighting against HIV and HCV in Quebec:

    This project aims to improve the knowledge and skills of priority populations-gay and bisexual men, people who inject drugs, people living with HIV-and people who may interact with people living with HIV in the course of their work. To do this, the project will offer training workshops and information sessions on prevention to people from priority populations and people who may interact with people living with HIV in their work.


    This project will promote the adoption of safer sexual behaviours and reduce stigma among at-risk youth from Montreals Caribbean and sub-Saharan African communities by increasing their knowledge about the transmission of sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections and building their capacity to manage their sexual health. To do this, the project will offer workshops that are culturally adapted to the realities and needs of young people. In addition, it will facilitate access to testing services for participants. Awareness-raising kiosks will be organized during festivals and neighbourhood festivals.


    This Community Alliance will offer workshops, organize symposia and disseminate reliable information to increase the knowledge and skills of community workers, professionals working in prisons and people from priority populations . A trans-inclusive approach will be adopted by alliance members and the participation of people with lived experience will be sought.

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