Friday, July 26, 2024

Hepatitis C At Home Test

Are Std Tests Accurate

Dry Blood Spot-Testing for Hep C – how to use the kit

Most modern STD tests are very accurate. Still, test accuracy varies depending on the type of sample collected and the test detection method.

Traditional in-office tests are more accurate than online-only tests, and home-to-lab tests are more accurate than self-collected ones. But both are highly efficient.

What Is Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a bloodborne virus that is spread when blood from an infected individual enters the body of someone who is not infected. The HCV infection can cause both chronic and acute hepatitis in an individual.

Acute hepatitis describes individuals who have only had the hepatitis C virus infection for 6 months or less, which is considered an acute infection. In chronic hepatitis cases, the infection is long-term. A chronic infection is a significant risk factor for liver disease and liver cancer, and is potentially life-threatening if left untreated.

If you think you may be at risk, taking our hep C test kit can help you check if you have this infection. Our HCV test is quick and easy to take , and you can conveniently view your results on our secure, online platform.

Potential Sites For Screening For Hepatitis C

Screening for hepatitis C can be offered in several venues the most likely are primary care offices, emergency rooms, urgent care clinics, and public health fairs.

Following the CDC recommendation, 3 studies were presented at the 2013 meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases in Washington, DC. One study was conducted in an emergency department, the second in the outpatient clinics of the US Department of Veterans Affairs, and the third involved individuals undergoing screening colonoscopies for colorectal cancer at a community hospital.- All 3 studies confirmed the higher prevalence of positive serum anti-HCV in individuals born in the years 1945-1965.

Recommended Reading: Can You Get Hepatitis C Through Intercourse

Taking A Hepatitis C Test

Hepatitis C testing is conducted on a sample of blood. Blood samples can be collected by a doctor, nurse, technician, or other health care provider from an adult patients vein using a small needle or a skin prick on a childs heel.

For an at-home hepatitis C test, patients collect a blood sample according to the manufacturers directions. Instructions provided in the test kit detail the steps to obtain a small sample of blood and mail it for testing.

Getting A Hepatitis C Test From Your Doctor

Rapid HCV(Hepatitis C Virus) Test Screen Kit Check At Home Private STI ...

Ideally, you should talk with a doctor about hepatitis C screening. Theyll ask you about any potential exposures or risk factors and will probably order a blood test to check for HCV antibodies. You can get your blood tested anywhere that does routine blood work.

Its the same procedure as getting a routine blood test.

We reviewed each brands business and medical practices, checking:

  • their BBB rating, if they have one
  • whether theyve been involved in any lawsuits
  • whether they provide help interpreting your results
  • whether they make any unacceptable health claims

All companies on the list also state they use accredited labs to process their testing kits.

Read Also: How You Contract Hepatitis B

What Happens After A Non

No further testing is done to confirm a negative result. However, if a person has had a potential exposure to HIV within the three-month window period of the test, the person should take another HIV test later or go to a healthcare provider for a laboratory HIV test that has a shorter window period.

If a person tests negative and is at ongoing risk for HIV, they should retest regularly. They can also consider taking pre-exposure prophylaxis to help prevent HIV.

When Should I Get An At

At-home hepatitis testing is one approach to screening for hepatitis C antibodies. Finding HCV antibodies can help detect hepatitis C before it progresses to severe liver damage. Screening for hepatitis C is recommended for all adults, unless you live in a place where HCV is very uncommon. Additional hepatitis C screening may be recommended in certain situations, including:

At-home hepatitis C testing can provide information about past exposure to HCV. Understanding a positive test result requires a consultation with a doctor and a follow-up HCV RNA test.

Screening for hepatitis C at home should be avoided if you have symptoms of hepatitis or believe you may have been exposed to this virus. In these circumstances, only a doctor can offer guidance about testing that is specific to your needs.

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Benefits And Downsides Of At

Before purchasing an at-home hepatitis C test, you may find it helpful to consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of at-home hepatitis C testing.

The benefits of at-home hepatitis C testing include:

  • Convenience: Every adult should be screened for hepatitis C at least once. At-home hepatitis C test kits allow you to screen for exposure to this virus without a doctors appointment and in situations where there are logistical barriers to physician-ordered testing.
  • Price: The price of an at-home hepatitis C test kits usually includes the materials to collect a blood sample and packaging to prepare the sample for laboratory testing. Many test kits even include a pre-paid envelope to mail your test sample to the companys laboratory without any additional cost.
  • Early detection: Finding and treating hepatitis C early is important to reduce the risk of liver damage and cancer. At-home hepatitis testing is a tool to screen for hepatitis C in patients without symptoms of hepatitis. Test results should be shared with a doctor who can discuss next steps to confirm a diagnosis and initiate any appropriate treatment.

The downsides of at-home hepatitis C testing include:

Best Reviews: Mylab Box 14

Home Access Health’s Mail-In HIV-1 and Hepatitis C Lab Test Demo

My LabBox 14-Panel At Home STD Test Kit

Why We Chose It: We chose myLAB Box for its high reviews and free physician consultation.

  • Lab results in 2 to 5 days

  • Free physician consultation for positive results

  • Temporarily unavailable in NY state

  • More expensive

Stress less with the myLAB Box to test not only for hepatitis C, but for other sexually transmitted diseases. The kit comes with HIV I and II, herpes type II, syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, mycoplasma genitalium, and an optional HPV test.

The kit arrives with a unisex rectal and oral swab, blood drop collection kit, instructions, postage-paid return envelope, and free two-day shipping.

The best part is that it only takes five minutes to take the test at home. Mail your sample the same day and get the results back within two to five days. All data is protected under HIPAA-compliance. If you test positive, a physician will be available free of charge to discuss your results and help determine the next best course of action.

You can purchase the test for about $369. The rave reviews say its worth the hype.

Recommended Reading: How To Screen For Hepatitis C

Meaning Of Hcv Viral Load

The number of HCV RNA international units per milliliter of blood must be measured before treatment and during the course of treatment, to assess response. Before treatment, however, the HCV viral load is not related to the patients liver disease severity or HCV prognosis. This is important for patients and providers to understand.

Note: In hepatitis B, unlike hepatitis C, a higher HBV DNA viral load does correlate with increased disease severity and increased likelihood of outcomes such as hepatocellular carcinoma.

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Questions For Your Doctor About Test Results

Patients receiving hepatitis C testing may find it helpful to ask questions about their test results. Questions to consider include:

  • What type of hepatitis C test did I receive?
  • What was my test result?
  • How do you interpret the results of the hepatitis C tests that I had?
  • Do I need any follow-up tests based on my test result?

You May Like: Is Hepatitis C Contagious Mayo Clinic

Also Check: How Can You Cure Hepatitis C

When Do Symptoms For Hepatitis C Appear

Not everyone with hepatitis C gets symptoms and for people who do develop symptoms, they may seem like flu or another illness. This means you can have hepatitis C without realising it and can then pass it on to other people.

If you do get symptoms, they most often appear a few weeks after first having the hepatitis C virus.

But many people dont get symptoms until much later when the liver has been damaged.

How Do I Know If I Should Get Tested

At Home Hepatitis C Test

If youre sexually active or engaging in activities that have the potential to increase your risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease like sharing needles, you should get tested.

In fact, according to the , getting tested for STDs is one of the most important things you can do to protect your health.

Recommended Reading: How Can You Spread Hepatitis C

Everyone Should Be Tested For Hcv

Theres no overstating the importance of HCV testing for people who dont know if they have the infection.

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that all asymptomatic adults, regardless of risk factors and age, should be screened for HCV, says Joseph Yao, MD, a researcher for the Mayo Clinic, in Rochester, Minnesota, who focuses on the development of clinical diagnostic tests for viral hepatitis, HIV infection, and transplant-associated viruses. Those who have continued risk factors, such as engaging in intravenous drug use, need to be screened periodically. People who are on dialysis may also need to be screened.

For symptomatic individuals, if you have a history of liver disease, injection drug use, HIV, or other liver disorders, you should also be screened for HCV, he says. The symptoms of acute or chronic hepatitis C are indistinguishable from other hepatitis or liver disorders, but they usually include nausea, vomiting, weight loss, fatigue, jaundice, and general itchiness , he explains.

What Test Do I Need For Hepatitis C

Tests are available as part of our Comprehensive STI test kit and are for people with no symptoms.

If you have symptoms, get advice from your GP or a sexual health clinic as soon as possible.

The hepatitis C test is a blood test for both men and women.

You take a blood sample from your finger. It takes about 5 to 10 minutes to do and shouldnt be too painful. Well send everything you need, along with guidance on how to collect the blood.

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When Should I Get Hepatitis C Testing

When used for early detection in patients without symptoms of hepatitis C, screening is recommended at least once for all adults aged 18 years or older, except in locations with very low prevalence of HCV. Screening is also recommended during pregnancy and for patients of any age with risk factors for HCV infection. In patients with risk factors, periodic screening is recommended for as long as risk factors persist.

Risk factors for HCV include:

  • Current or past injectable drug use
  • Having a blood transfusion or organ transplant before July 1992
  • Receiving kidney dialysis
  • Pain in the abdomen or joints
  • Nausea, vomiting, or loss of appetite
  • Jaundice or yellowish skin and eyes

Hepatitis C testing may also be performed when liver tests are abnormal or when diagnosing the cause of existing liver damage.

Usability Of Hcv Self

Hepatitis C Rapid Home Test Kit – How to use tutorial

Overall, 96 participants were able to complete the HCV self-test, and 54% completed all steps correctly without assistance and interpreted the results correctly. Forty-four percent made an error during at least one testing step . Four steps were conducted correctly by all participants, including opening the pouch, reading the instructions during the testing, removing the test tube from the test pack, and removing the cap from the test tube. The most frequently observed errors were not using a time-keeping device , not reading the results between 20 and 40 mins , and touching the flat pad . In addition, a small proportion collected samples incorrectly , and had difficulty placing the test device in the test tube . The majority of participants interpreted the test results correctly. The most frequently observed difficulty was sliding the tube into the stand , followed by opening the tube . Assistance was provided to a minority of individuals when sliding the tube into the stand and reading the results .

Table 2. Observer assessment of successful steps, difficulties, and steps requiring assistance among MSM, an observational study in China, 2019.

Recommended Reading: Chronic Viral Hepatitis C Contagious

What Role Can Service Providers Play In Encouraging The Uptake Of Self

Although self-tests are intended for use by someone on their own, service providers can do a number of things to encourage and support self-testing, including improving awareness of self-testing through educational efforts.

For some people, the cost of a self-test is a barrier to accessing it. If it is feasible, service providers can try to work with partners to provide access to free tests for their community members. Research from other jurisdictions shows that initiatives that allow people to order a free test online can help to reach people who do not test as often as guidelines recommend. Research also shows that efforts to provide clients with tests to distribute to their personal contacts can help to reach first-time testers.

Some organizations may choose to allow people to take a self-test within their facilities . This may be a good option for people who would benefit from support before and after they take the test. However, service providers should not do the test on a client or interpret the results for them. This is because self-tests are only licensed for a person to perform on themselves. Service providers can help the tester to understand the instructions, which include how to do the test and how to interpret the results.

Related resources

Free HIV self-testing: Best practices, positivity rates, and associated costs Ontario HIV Treatment Network


  • bioLytical Laboratories. INSTI® HIV Self Test Instructions for Use. 2020.
  • Harrigan M

    Hepatitis C Is Often Asymptomatic

    Offer testing to anyone with a risk factor or clinical indication.

    Risk factors:

    • shared drug-use equipment, even once
    • received personal services , with nonsterile equipment
    • exposed to blood during sexual activity
    • received blood, blood products, or organ transplant before 1992
    • received medical care where non-sterile equipment may have been used
    • born, travelled, or lived in a region where hepatitis C is common
    • born to a mother with hepatitis C
    • diagnosis of HIV or hepatitis B
    • clinical clues or symptoms of liver disease
    • occupational exposure

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    What Are The Steps For A Person To Take The Test

    Before a person takes a test, they should read the instructions in detail.

    To take a self-test, the tester must:

    • Wash and dry their hands.
    • Use the lancet to draw a drop of blood and allow the drop of blood to fall into bottle 1, without touching their finger on the opening of the bottle. Cap the bottle.
    • Shake and pour the liquid from this bottle into the testing device and allow a few seconds for the liquid to disappear.
    • Shake and pour the liquid from bottle 2 into the device and allow a few seconds for the liquid to disappear.
    • Shake and pour the liquid from bottle 3 into the device and allow a few seconds for the liquid to disappear.

    In total, the test normally takes less than five minutes to perform.

    The results of the test will be displayed on the testing device as soon as the liquid from bottle 3 disappears into the device. The test results are simple to interpret. A control dot should appear near the top of the test window to indicate that the test has worked. If no control dot appears, the test kit has not worked and the test should be repeated using a new kit.

    If a second dot appears , this indicates a reactive result. If no second dot appears, this indicates a negative result.

    The following images show the possible results of the test:

    Reactive result

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    How Can I Cover Medication Costs

    Life Line Screening Hepatitis C, Self

    New therapies called direct-acting antivirals are effective and can achieve cures of over 90%. Because these new therapies are very new, they remain very expensive. As such, drug coverage from both government and private companies may require that your liver disease has progressed to a certain stage before they are willing to cover the cost of these drugs.

    Talk with your healthcare provider about financial support that may be available.

    Below are useful resources when looking for financial assistance:Private health insurance or drug plansIf you have private health insurance or a drug plan at work, you may be able to have the medication paid through your plan. Please consult your private health insurance or drug plan provider to see if your drug is covered.

    Publicly funded plansEach provincial and territorial government offers a drug benefit plan for eligible groups. Some are income-based universal programs. Most have specific programs for population groups that may require more enhanced coverage for high drug costs. These groups include seniors, recipients of social assistance, and individuals with diseases or conditions that are associated with high drug costs. For more details, please contact your provincial or territorial health care ministry, or click on the appropriate link below.


    Available Patient Assistance Programs for Hepatitis C treatment Holkira Pak Maviret

    MerckCare Hepatitis C Program 1 872-5773 Zepatier

    Where to?

    Read Also: Can You Get Hepatitis C Through Saliva

    What Can Cause The Levels To Rise

    There is no evidence that medications, vitamins, and supplements can have any effect on the test results of the hepatitis C antibody test. Some tests may indicate a false positive. This means that your test shows that you are infected but you are not. People who recovered from a past infection make sure positive results. In that case, a follow up viral load test is recommended. A false positive result affects only three percent of all tested people. But, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , 35% of low risk individuals can get false positive results when it comes to hepatitis C.

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