Thursday, July 25, 2024

Va Disability Rating For Hepatitis B

Medical Evidence Of Disability From Hepatitis B Infection

VA Disability Rating for Lower Back Pain

You might be required to produce a liver biopsy to show the degree of liver infection, imaging studies such as an MRI, CAT scan, or ultrasound to indicate whether the liver has increased in size or whether there has been any scarring of the liver, and other lab tests that reveal the level of liver enzymes and serum albumin .

The SSA will also review your medical charts to see if you have undergone any treatments for hepatitis B. Common treatments are oral antiviral drugs and injections of interferon. If there has been no decrease in the level of the HBV virus despite ongoing treatment, then the SSA might consider whether your hepatitis B medically equals a disability listing .

The SSA will also look to see if you are suffering any side effects as a result of medications. Common side effects of treatment may include fever, fatigue, joint pain, nausea, insomnia, or other flu-like symptoms. These side effects can impact your ability to work on a regular basis. If the side effects you are experiencing are especially severe, then you might need to stop treatment or reduce your dosing level.

How Va Rates Fatty Liver Disease

Once service connection is established, VA will provide a disability rating depending on the severity of the condition. VA rates fatty liver disease under 38 CFR § 4.114, Schedule of Ratings Digestive System, Diagnostic Code 7345. This DC applies to any chronic liver disease that does not include cirrhosis and the evaluations are as follows:

Impairment Of Central Visual Acuity

6061 Anatomical loss both eyes.

6062 Blindness, both eyes, only light perception.

Anatomical loss of 1 eye:

6063 Other eye 5/200 .

6064 Other eye 10/200 .

6064 Other eye 15/200 .

6064 Other eye 20/200 .

6065 Other eye 20/100 .

6065 Other eye 20/70 .

6065 Other eye 20/50 .

6066 Other eye 20/40 .

Blindness in 1 eye, only light perception:

6067 Other eye 5/200 .

6068 Other eye 10/200 .

6068 Other eye 15/200 .

6068 Other eye 20/200 .

6069 Other eye 20/100 .

6069 Other eye 20/70 .

6069 Other eye 20/50 .

6070 Other eye 20/40 .

Vision in 1 eye 5/200 :

6071 Other eye 5/200 .

6072 Other eye 10/200 .

6072 Other eye 15/200 .

6072 Other eye 20/200 .

6073 Other eye 20/100 .

6073 Other eye 20/70 .

6073 Other eye 20/50 .

6074 Other eye 20/40 .

Vision in 1 eye 10/200 :

6075 Other eye 10/200 .

6075 Other eye 15/200 .

6075 Other eye 20/200 .

6076 Other eye 20/100 .

6076 Other eye 20/70 .

6076 Other eye 20/50 .

6077 Other eye 20/40 .

Vision in 1 eye 15/200 :

6075 Other eye 15/200 .

6075 Other eye 20/200 .

6076 Other eye 20/100 .

6076 Other eye 20/70 .

6076 Other eye 20/50 .

6077 Other eye 20/40 .

Vision in 1 eye 20/200 :

6075 Other eye 20/200 .

6076 Other eye 20/100 .

6076 Other eye 20/70 .

6076 Other eye 20/50 .

6077 Other eye 20/40 .

Vision in 1 eye 20/100 :

6078 Other eye 20/100 .

6078 Other eye 20/70 .

6078 Other eye 20/50 .

6079 Other eye 20/40 .

Vision in 1 eye 20/70 :

6078 Other eye 20/70 .

6078 Other eye 20/50 .

6079 Other eye 20/40 .

Vision in 1 eye 20/50 :

6078 Other eye 20/50 .

Also Check: Is There A Pill That Cures Hepatitis C

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According to the Mayo Clinic, some common triggers of IBS in disabled veterans include:

  • #1 Food. The role of food allergy or intolerance in IBS isnt fully understood. A true food allergy rarely causes IBS. But many people have worse IBS symptoms when they eat or drink certain foods or beverages, including wheat, dairy products, citrus fruits, beans, cabbage, milk and carbonated drinks.
  • #2 Stress. Most people with IBS experience worse or more frequent signs and symptoms during periods of increased stress. But while stress may aggravate symptoms, it doesnt cause them.
  • #3 Hormones. Women are 2x as likely to have IBS than men, which might indicate that hormonal changes play a role. Many women find that signs and symptoms are worse during or around their menstrual periods.
  • #4 Medication Side Effects. Many over the counter and prescription medications taken to help manage a variety of physical and mental disabilities in veterans may cause IBS symptoms or make them worse.

Medical research does suggest a link between IBS and veterans with a mental health condition.

Finally, many over the counter and prescription medications taken to help manage a variety of physical and mental disabilities in veterans may lead to IBS symptoms.

Service Members And Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease


Between 2000 and 2017, the incidence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease among active duty military service members has increased from 12.6 cases per 100,000 person per year to 152.8 cases. The overall rate of incidence among male service members was more than 1.5 times the rate among female service members. Furthermore, overall incidence rates increased with advancing age and were highest among military personnel 50 years or older. This is significant because service members with severe nonalcoholic fatty liver disease resulting in impaired liver function are unable to perform their military duties and are disqualified from service. Moreover, the repercussions of this increase in incidence could be serious and have a profound effect on both VA and the Veterans Health Administration.

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Alcohol Use And Cardiovascular Effects

Chronic alcohol abuse is terrible for your cardiovascular system. Drinking can elevate triglycerides in the blood, and cause hypertension, anemia, stroke, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, and even sudden cardiac death. Drinking also tends to lead to obesity, which can aggravate cardiac problems further. Many other drugs of abuse, such as stimulants like cocaine and methamphetamines, can cause severe heart problems as well.

What Are Infectious Diseases Immune Disorders And Nutritional Deficiencies For Va Rating Purposes

Infectious Diseases, Immune Disorders, and Nutritional Deficiencies can display a vast range of symptoms throughout the human body. Infectious Diseases can spread through various means, and include bacterial, parasitic, and viral infections whereas Immune Disorders are conditions that attack the immune system and make the body more susceptible to infection. Nutritional Deficiencies happen when the body is not getting enough nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, etc.

6300 Vibriosis .

6302 Leprosy .

6304 Malaria.

6305 Lymphatic filariasis, to include elephantiasis.

6306 Bartonellosis.

7541 Renal involvement in diabetes mellitus type I or II.

7542 Neurogenic bladder.

7544 Renal disease caused by viral infection such as HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C.

7545 Bladder, diverticulum of.

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What Is Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C virus is a condition marked by inflammation of the liver and sometimes leads to serious liver damage. The hepatitis C virus spreads through contact with infected blood or contaminated IV needles, razors, tattoo equipment, or other similar items. The early symptoms of this condition are often very mild, including: vague abdominal discomfort, fatigue, and joint pains. People can carry the virus for years without knowing. Over time, the virus can cause more serious health problems such as cirrhosis and liver cancer. VA officials report an unusually high rate of hepatitis C in United States soldiers and veterans.

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Other Sources Of Compensation For Hcv

4 Best Ways to 100% VA Disability Rating

There are almost no alternate resources for veterans with hep C. Consequently, your best opportunity for hep C compensation is filing a VA disability benefits claim. Depending on your circumstances, you may want to seek out a law firm that won veterans hep C cases in California or elsewhere against the VA.

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Hep C Compensation Funds

A hep C compensation fund was created for the residents of many countries, such as Canada, the UK, and Ireland. This fund was intended to compensate people who had been unknowingly infected with hep C through the blood supply even though blood could have been screened for hep C. However, as of Spring 2020, no such hep C compensation fund exists in the US.

Three Criteria Required To Get Your Claims For Va Disability Service Connected

To be eligible for VA disability benefits by law, a veteran must prove three criteria under the law:

  • #1. Medical Diagnosis of the disability condition in a medical record
  • #2. Medical Nexus Evidence between the diagnosed disability condition and the veterans active-duty military service OR how the diagnosed disability condition is proximately due to or aggravated by another service-connected disability
  • #3. Current Symptoms of the disability condition that negatively affect your work, life, or social functioning

If youve ever been denied service connection, its most likely because you failed to prove a Nexus exists on an at least as likely as not basis.

Pro Tip: Nexus simply means link or connection. After claim submission, the VA will likely schedule you for a Compensation and Pension exam from a VA contracted examiner to determine if there is a link or Nexus between your claimed disability condition and your military service. However, you can meet this requirement independently, and typically make a much stronger case for service connection, by having a private medical professional write a credible Nexus Letter in support of your claim.

Looking For Doctors Who Write High Quality Nexus Letters? Click HERE to Join Our #1 Rated VA Claims Insider Elite Program to Get VA Nexus Letters Fast at Reduced Rates, 61-67% OFF.

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Va Disability Benefits And Hepatitis C

What Is Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is a viral infection that causes liver inflammation, occasionally leading to serious liver damage. Until recently, treatment for hepatitis C required weekly injections and oral medications that many hepatitis C virus -infected individuals could not take due to other health problems or problematic side effects. However, recent advances in hepatitis C research have led to the development of oral medications that can treat chronic HCV in just two to six months.

Still, because the symptoms of HCV can take decades to appear, many infected individuals are not aware they have hepatitis C until they are in their 50s or 60s. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that all adults aged 18 to 79 get screened for hepatitis C, even those without known symptoms. For those exhibiting the following symptoms, it is recommended that you get tested right away:

  • Yellow discoloration of the skin and eyes
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Fluid buildup in your abdomen

While the cause of hepatitis C is widely known to be due to exposure to the hepatitis C virus through contaminated blood, there are many different situations in which this exposure can occur. Veterans run a higher risk of exposure to HCV-infected blood than the general population due to the dangerous nature of military work, which can result in service members coming into contact with the blood of other people, especially in combat situations.

How The VA Rates Hepatitis C

Veterans Are At A High Risk For Hepatitis C

SAS Output

It is estimated that over 230,000 veterans are infected with hepatitis C, and approximately 50,000 more are thought to carry the infection without knowing it. In 2000, VA Program Director for Infectious Diseases, Gary Roselle, stated 1 in 10 U.S. veterans are infected with hepatitis C virus, a rate that is five times greater than the 1.8 percent infection rate of the general population. Additionally, statistics show that people born between 1945 and 1962 make up the largest group affected by hepatitis C. These individuals are more likely to contract the virus than any other generation. Coincidentally, this generation consists of many veterans who served in heavy combat wars, such as the Vietnam War. Research shows that this high incidence rate amongst veterans likely has to do with the following risk factors:

  • Exposure to blood during combat
  • Receiving blood transfusions before blood products were screened for hepatitis C
  • Unsafe immunization techniques
  • Large battle wounds

Over the years, a greater number of veterans began applying for service-connected compensation for hepatitis C.

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How Va Rates Hepatitis C

VA includes hepatitis C in its disability ratings schedule, listing it under 38 CFR § 4.114, Schedule of Ratings Digestive System, Diagnostic Code 7354. The rating criteria for this condition are as follows:

  • 100% near-constant debilitating symptoms
  • 60% daily fatigue, malaise, and anorexia, with substantial weight loss , and hepatomegaly, or incapacitating episodes having a total duration of at least six weeks during the past 12-month period, but not occurring constantly
  • 40% daily fatigue, malaise, and anorexia, with minor weight loss and hepatomegaly, or incapacitating episodes having a total duration of at least four weeks, but less than six weeks, during the past 12-month period
  • 20% daily fatigue, malaise, and anorexia , requiring dietary restriction or continuous medication, or incapacitating episodes having a total duration of at least two weeks, but less than four weeks, during the past 12-month period
  • 10% intermittent fatigue, malaise, and anorexia, or incapacitating episodes having a total duration of at least one week, but less than two weeks, during the past 12-month period
  • 0% nonsymptomatic

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Hepatitis B is an inflammatory disease of the liver that is caused by a virus . Common symptoms of a hepatitis B infection include jaundice , pruritis , abdominal pain, joint pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and nausea.

People with strong immune systems who have been infected with hepatitis B are usually able to wipe out the virus and have no lasting side effects. However, some people infected with HBV have a chronic infection for life, which causes inflammation and scarring in the liver. Severe scarring of the liver, or cirrhosis, can damage the liver’s ability to function and can lead to liver failure. Chronic carriers of the Hepatitis B virus are also at risk for liver cancer.

If you have a chronic infection of hepatitis B and it limits your functioning, then you might be eligible for either Social Security Disability benefits or Supplemental Security Income benefits under the Social Security Act.

Read Also: How Do You Know You Have Hepatitis C

Former Prisoners Of War

Who Are Former Prisoners of War?

Since World War I, more than 142,000 Americans, including 85 women, have been captured and interned as POWs. Not included in this figure are nearly 93,000 Americans who were lost or never recovered. Only one fifth of America’s former POWs since World War I are still living . More than 90% of living former POWs were captured and interned during World War II. About 15,367 former POWs are in receipt of compensation for service-connected injuries, diseases, or illnesses.

In 1981, Congress passed Public Law 97-37 entitled “Former Prisoners of War Benefit Act.” This law accomplished several things. It established an Advisory Committee on Former Prisoners of War and mandated medical and dental care. It also identified certain diagnoses as presumptive service-connected conditions for former POWs. Subsequent public laws and policy decisions by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs have added additional diagnoses to the list of presumptive conditions .

What Are the Presumptive Conditions for Former POWs?

Today, former POWs are generally entitled to a presumption of service-connection for seven diseases, regardless of the length of captivity, if manifested to a degree of 10 percent or more after discharge or release from active military, naval, or air service. These diseases are:

  • Any of the Anxiety States
  • Dysthymic disorder, or depressive neurosis
  • Post-traumatic osteoarthritis
  • Peripheral Neuropathy, except where directly related to infectious causes

With A Dependent Spouse Or Parent But No Children

When Do VA Disability Ratings Become Permanent?

Find the dependent status in the left column that best describes you. Then look for your disability rating in the top row. Your basic monthly rate is where your dependent status and disability rating meet.

If your spouse receives Aid and Attendance benefits, be sure to also look at the Added amounts table, and add it to your amount from the Basic monthly rates table.

Basic monthly rates for 30% to 60% disability rating

Dependent status 30% disability rating 40% disability rating 50% disability rating 60% disability rating
Dependent status 30% disability rating 467.39 40% disability rating 673.28 50% disability rating 958.44 60% disability rating 1,214.03
With spouse 30% disability rating 522.39 40% disability rating 747.28 50% disability rating 1,050.44 60% disability rating 1,325.03
With spouse and 1 parent 30% disability rating 566.39 40% disability rating 806.28 50% disability rating 1,124.44 60% disability rating 1,414.03
With spouse and 2 parents 30% disability rating 610.39 40% disability rating 865.28 50% disability rating 1,198.44 60% disability rating 1,503.03
With 1 parent 30% disability rating 511.39 40% disability rating 732.28 50% disability rating 1,032.44 60% disability rating 1,303.03
With 2 parents 30% disability rating 555.39 40% disability rating 791.28 50% disability rating 1,106.44 60% disability rating 1,392.03

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Presumptive Disability Benefits For Certain Groups Of Veterans

What is “Presumptive” Service Connection?

VA presumes that specific disabilities diagnosed in certain veterans were caused by their military service. VA does this because of the unique circumstances of their military service. If one of these conditions is diagnosed in a veteran in one of these groups, VA presumes that the circumstances of his/her service caused the condition, and disability compensation can be awarded.

What Conditions are “Presumed” to be Caused by Military Service?

Veterans in the groups identified below: Entitlement to disability compensation may be presumed under the circumstances described and for the conditions listed.

Veterans within one year of release from active duty: Veterans diagnosed with chronic diseases are encouraged to apply for disability compensation.

Veterans with continuous service of 90 days or more: Veterans diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis /Lou Gehrig’s disease at any time after discharge or release from qualifying active service is sufficient to establish service connection for the disease, if the veteran had active, continuous service of 90 days or more.


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