Thursday, July 25, 2024

Best Vitamins For Hepatitis C

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Ask the Expert: Over-the-counter Supplements Cure Hepatitis C?

This information is not intended to replace the attention or advice of a physician or other qualified health care professional. Anyone who wishes to embark on any dietary, drug, exercise, or other lifestyle change intended to prevent or treat a specific disease or condition should first consult with and seek clearance from a physician or other qualified health care professional. Pregnant women in particular should seek the advice of a physician before using any protocol listed on this website. The protocols described on this website are for adults only, unless otherwise specified. Product labels may contain important safety information and the most recent product information provided by the product manufacturers should be carefully reviewed prior to use to verify the dose, administration, and contraindications. National, state, and local laws may vary regarding the use and application of many of the therapies discussed. The reader assumes the risk of any injuries. The authors and publishers, their affiliates and assigns are not liable for any injury and/or damage to persons arising from this protocol and expressly disclaim responsibility for any adverse effects resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

Signs Of Liver Problems

Most liver problems dont present obvious symptoms in the early stages, but they are a lot easier to deal with if you can recognize the symptoms and catch them early on. If youre concerned about your liver health or suspect you dont get enough vitamin d for liver health, look out for these common symptoms of liver problems:

Vitamins In The Treatment Of Chronic Viral Hepatitis

Published online by Cambridge University Press: 24 January 2011

Sirio Fiorino
Affiliation:Operative Unit of Internal Medicine, Budrio Hospital, Budrio, BO, ItalyDepartment of Clinical Medicine, University of Bologna, Via Massarenti, 940138Bologna, BO, Italy
Fabio Conti
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bologna, Via Massarenti, 940138Bologna, BO, Italy
Annagiulia Gramenzi
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bologna, Via Massarenti, 940138Bologna, BO, Italy
Elisabetta Loggi
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bologna, Via Massarenti, 940138Bologna, BO, Italy
Carmela Cursaro
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bologna, Via Massarenti, 940138Bologna, BO, Italy
Roberto Di Donato
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bologna, Via Massarenti, 940138Bologna, BO, Italy
Lorenzo Micco
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bologna, Via Massarenti, 940138Bologna, BO, Italy
Stefano Gitto
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bologna, Via Massarenti, 940138Bologna, BO, Italy
Andrea Cuppini
Operative Unit of Internal Medicine, Budrio Hospital, Budrio, BO, Italy
Mauro Bernardi
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bologna, Via Massarenti, 940138Bologna, BO, Italy
Pietro Andreone*
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bologna, Via Massarenti, 940138Bologna, BO, Italy
*Corresponding author: Professor P. Andreone, fax +39 051 345806

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Summary And Quick Facts For Hepatitis C

  • Hepatitis C is an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis C virus , which infiltrates the liver and other organs. Approximately 75%-85% of people infected with HCV develop a chronic infection and face the risk of advanced liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, cancer and other complications.
  • In this protocol, you will learn how HCV is transmitted and the consequences of HCV infection. You will also discover the importance of early detection and learn about breakthroughs that have vastly improved medical treatment outcomes, as well as several natural compounds that support liver health.
  • Direct-acting antiviral drugs have eliminated HCV in the majority of treated patients. Natural, integrative interventions may support liver and general health but are not replacements for highly effective modern DAA drugs.

Find Out Which Foods You Should Eat With Hepatitis C

Best Vitamin C Hepatitis

Medically reviewed in November 2021

Your liver helps your body in a variety of ways, such as detoxifying your system and turning food into energy and nutrients. But, if you have hepatitis C, your liver may be damaged and may need some extra help doing its job.

Being mindful about what you eat is critical to having a healthy liver. A nutritious diet during hep C treatment will encourage your immune system to fight off the hepatitis virus, boost your liver function and cut your risk of cirrhosis. Some foods, however, can actually damage your liver.

Heres what to eatand what to avoidfor a successful hepatitis C treatment.

Avoid: Seafood

Step away from the sushi bar! Raw seafood and shellfish, such as oysters and mussels, can carry bacteria and viruses that can be life threatening for people with hep C or liver disease. Plus, oysters are high in iron, which those living with hep C should avoid both the virus and fatty liver disease can cause excessive iron to build in the body, potentially leading to several health issues such as joint pain, hair loss and heart attack.

Enjoy: Coffee

Keep sipping on that cup of joe! Some studies have shown that coffee can slow the progression of hep C and prevent liver cancer and cirrhosis. Make sure to drink the strong stuff thoughdecaf coffee doesnt seem to deliver the same benefits.

Avoid: Supplements

Read Also: What Organ Does Hepatitis C Affect

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Best Vitamins For Liver Repair According To Experts

Your liver is a vital organ that performs hundreds of biological processes to keep you healthy, like filtering toxic substances from your bloodstream and storing energy.

However, nutrient deficiencies, chronic diseases, and lifestyle factors like alcohol can damage your liver over time.

So, what is the best way to maintain a healthy liver, and which liver support supplements are backed up by medical science?

Your liver is one of the most important organs in your body, as it acts as your bodys natural filter in addition to storing and releasing energy from food. Because the liver is so essential for your health, there has been lots of research into healthy liver supplements and treatments to keep it in tip-top shape.

Nowadays, there are hundreds of superfoods and supplements claiming to contain liver repair vitamins and nutrients to improve your liver health, so how do you choose the one thats right for you? In this article, were looking at ways to maintain liver health, the science behind liver supplements and recommending some of the best vitamins and minerals for liver health.

General Measures In Those With Hepatitis C

Minimize the use of all medications, especially liver toxins such as alcohol, analgesic drugs and anti- inflammatory drugs. Avoid using household and workplace chemicals such as insecticides, pesticides, chlorine, bleach, paints, glues and solvents.

Fifty percent of your diet should consist of raw and cooked vegetables and fruits. Dressings can be made with organic vinegars and cold pressed olive oil. Drink one or two glasses of raw vegetable juices daily. Eat cruciferous vegetables including broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, bok choy and watercress as well as garlic and onions to help the detoxification ability of the liver.

Ask your doctor to check that your bodyâs total iron content is within normal limits. This can be confirmed with a simple blood test known as serum iron studies. Excess iron can increase liver damage and hepatitis viruses thrive in high-iron environments.

If your iron levels are abnormally high, avoid iron-enriched cereals, vitamin pills containing iron and liver.

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Can You Take A Multivitamin If You Have Hep C

The above question is the primary concern of the individuals as it can cause more harm than good to take specific vitamins. Besides, some vitamins play an essential role in improving the health of the liver.

  • Vitamin B12 is one of the vital vitamins that effectively defend hepatitis C.
  • Zinc supplements may help to address hepatitis C zinc deficiencies. Thus, it helps in improving the liver response against treatment.
  • Vitamin D helps to prevent hepatitis C liver damage. It also strengthens the immune system.

Should You Take A Supplement

Best Detox Juicing for Liver Cirrhosis or Hepatitis C

All of the reviews and studies cited here emphasize that vitamin therapy still cannot be confidently recommended for the prevention or treatment of liver diseases until more large-scale, controlled trials have been undertaken. Unless your doctor has recommended a vitamin supplement to treat a particular condition, don’t bank on any beneficial effects.

High-dose vitamin supplements often rank up there with liver cleanses and liver detox supplements to improve liver function â there’s not enough evidence to show that they offer any additional benefits unless there is an outstanding deficiency. When taken in excess amounts, some vitamins can even cause liver damage.

The National Institute of Health’s LiverTox database reports that excessive intakes of vitamin A and the B vitamin niacin can be particularly harmful. Liver injury can occur when these vitamins are taken in high doses â 100 to 400 times the recommended daily intake of niacin, which is 14 to 16 milligrams per day, and 10 times the RDI for vitamin A, which is 700 to 900 micrograms daily.

That said, it is important to get enough of these nutrients from your diet. Deficiency can cause not only potential liver damage and disease, but also a host of other health problems. Generally, eating a well-balanced diet including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, low-fat dairy, whole grains and healthy fats can provide all the liver-protective nutrients you need.

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Nutrition For Hepatitis C: What To Know If Youre A Caregiver

While newer medication is significantly effective for treating hepatitis C, you can take additional steps to ensure your loved ones liver is protected by building them a healthy plate.

Adene Sanchez/Getty Images

Hepatitis C is a virus that spreads through contaminated blood and can lead to liver inflammation and damage. The liver is an essential organ that has many roles, including producing bile to aid in digestion, detoxifying the bloodstream, and producing cholesterol and proteins, as Johns Hopkins Medicine in Baltimore notes. Fortunately, the liver has a remarkable ability to heal itself when injured, but this capacity is not unlimited.

Of those people infected with acute hepatitis C in 2018, that figure was 50,300, per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention many will go on to develop a chronic form of the condition. Therefore, learning about the role of healthy nutrition in liver health is crucial, especially if you are helping to care for a person managing hepatitis C.

The liver is in charge of all the nutrition in your body in terms of digestion and absorption, says Annie Guinane, a registered dietitian with the transplant and metabolic liver clinic at the University of Chicago Medicine. Its really important to maintain a healthy diet to maintain a healthy liver, she says.

Medication Regimens According To Hcv Genotype

The good news is that there are now more medications available to treat Hepatitis C than ever before. Based on your medical history, physical exam, laboratory and other test results, your healthcare provider will suggest which medications are right for you, as well as determine the length of time you need to be treated. This decision will depend upon a number of factors including:

  • Your Hepatitis C virus genotype
  • Whether or not you have cirrhosis, and if its mild or severe
  • If youve received treatment before and which medications were used
  • If youre waiting for or youve already had a liver transplant
  • Other health conditions you may have

Treatment regimens are usually 8 to 24 weeks, but sometimes longer, depending on your particular circumstances.

What follows is a basic outline of recommended treatment protocols organized by HCV genotype. HCV genotypes are 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. About 75% of the people with HCV in the U.S. have either genotype 1a or 1b. Between 10% 20% of people with HCV in the U.S. have either genotype 2 or 3.

Use this information as a starting point to talk with your healthcare provider about which treatment protocol is best for you. Keep in mind that these are general guidelines and they do not cover alternative treatment protocols or special situations. Its important to follow your healthcare providers instructions regarding what, when, how and for how long to take your medication, as this will depend upon your specific circumstances.

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Should You Turn To Supplements If You Cant Afford Hep C Meds

Medically reviewed in May 2022

If you have hepatitis C, taking supplements may seem like an easy way to address the illnessespecially if youve been denied access to medications or theyre too expensive. But just because supplements may be easy to get doesnt mean theyre necessarily safe, healthy, or effective in treating the disease. Many are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration , which means they are not tested for safety or accuracy.

The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health warns that you should never use alternative remedies in place of conventional medical care, so check first with a healthcare provider before trying a supplement. Although they are not regulated as medicines, many supplements can have potential side effects and interactions with other medicines or treatments, so its crucial to discuss how they might fit into your overall wellness plan for hepatitis C.

Heres what you need to know about the science behind some of the most popular supplements for hepatitis C.

Milk thistle This plant has been used as a traditional remedy to treat liver disease for thousands of years, and its a popular supplement for hepatitis in America. Proponents claim that silymarin, the active component of milk thistle, can protect liver cells from damage and help cells regrow. But better-quality studies show that it doesnt necessarily help hepatitis C.


Liver Glutathione And Oxidative Stress

Best Supplements for Hepatitis

Glutathioneacts as a cellular detoxifier and helps prevent damage from free radicals.55 However, glutathione depletion is a common finding among HCV-infected patients.56 The following compounds may help increase glutathione levels.

N-acetyl-cysteine. N-acetyl-cysteine is derived from L-cysteine, a conditionally essential amino acid. This powerful antioxidant diminishes free radicals and raises glutathione levels.57 Intravenous and oral NAC is used to treat acetaminophen poisoning in the hospital setting. In children with acute liver failure from causes other than acetaminophen poisoning, receiving NAC was associated with a shorter hospital stay, greaterincidence of liver recovery, and better survival after transplantation.58 In an early trial, addition of NAC to interferon boosted glutathione levels in white blood cells of patients with chronic hepatitisC and normalized ALT levels in 41% of interferon non-responders.59 While more recent trials have been unable to confirm the therapeutic role of NAC in chronic hepatitis C, they have established that it is very well tolerated.60,61

Glutathione. A 1989 study found consumption of oral glutathione increased plasma glutathione levels.75 Preclinical trials found oral glutathione increases glutathione levels in tissues such as the lungs, liver, and kidneys.76-80

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One Last Thing About Preparing Food For Someone With Hepatitis C

If you are caregiving for someone with hepatitis, these suggestions can help you to provide your loved one with a well-balanced diet. Be sure to avoid foods and medication that may be harmful to a recovering liver, and work closely with a registered dietitian nutritionist and the doctor .

It also doesnt hurt to get screened yourself. In recent years, the recommendations for getting tested for a hepatitis C infection have changed and greatly broadened. The CDC now recommends that all adults ages 18 and older, as well as pregnant women during each pregnancy, get screened for hepatitis C at least once in their lives.

Hepatitis C Enemy: Alcohol

“If you have advanced liver disease, there’s absolutely no amount of alcohol that’s okay,” says Dr. Graham. “In fact, avoiding alcohol is one thing you can do to slow down the risk of developing liver failure.” It’s the best way to slow disease progression and keep your liver healthy until the virus has been eradicated, she says. Instead of alcohol, stay hydrated and healthy by drinking lots of water, she suggests.

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Hepatitis C And Dietary Supplements

Several dietary and herbal supplements have been studied for hepatitis C, and substantial numbers of people with hepatitis C have tried herbal supplements. The most commonly used supplement for hepatitis C is silymarin . However, no dietary supplement has been shown to be efficacious for hepatitis C.

This issue provides information on what the science says about several dietary supplements studied for hepatitis C.

What the Science Says:

Preliminary studies, most of which were conducted outside the United States, have found that zinc supplements might help to correct zinc deficiencies associated with hepatitis C, reduce some symptoms, or improve patientsâ response to treatment, but the evidence for these possible benefits is limited.

NCCIH Clinical Digest is a service of the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, NIH, DHHS.NCCIH Clinical Digest, a monthly e-newsletter, offers evidence-based information on complementary health approaches, including scientific literature searches, summaries of NCCIH-funded research, fact sheets for patients, and more.

Potential Outcomes Of Treatment

NY Cures Hep C Campaign: “Bethany’s Story”

In order to adequately monitor your response to treatment, youll need to visit your healthcare provider so he or she can examine you in person and discuss how youre feeling. The level of Hepatitis C virus in your bloodstream will be checked to monitor your response to treatment. The potential outcomes of treatment are the following:

  • Sustained virologic response : You are considered cured if the Hepatitis C virus is not detected when measured with a blood test three months after youve completed treatment. This is called a sustained virologic response and data suggest that you will stay virus free indefinitely.
  • Nonresponse: The Hepatitis C virus does not become undetectable as a result of treatment. This can be further categorized as partial response, when the viral levels become lower but not undetectable, or null-response which is when the viral level never drops significantly.
  • Relapse: The Hepatitis C virus becomes undetectable on treatment, but then is detectable again, either during treatment or after treatment is stopped.
  • Incomplete treatment: Treatment ended earlier that the prescribed duration.

The goal of treatment is to have an SVR. This is when you are considered cured. Taking your medication as prescribed will increase your chance of being cured and decrease the long-term complications of Hepatitis C.

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